Teilen von Daten

Unsere Forschung im Bereich des Teilens von Daten beinhaltet die Gründe, Motivationen oder Hindernisse sowie die Bedingungen und Ergebnisse von offen verfügbaren Forschungsdaten. Ein Aspekt ist, dass Primärforschende ihre Daten für andere Projekte verfügbar machen, so dass die Daten mehr als einmal genutzt werden können. Des Weiteren kann die Sekundärnutzung verfügbarer Daten sehr effektiv sein und wertvolle neue Forschungsfragen generieren.

Einen weiteren Aspekt stellt die Transparenz der Forschung dar, durch die wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse sowohl bei Primärnutzung als auch bei Sekundärnutzung überprüfbar werden.

  • Askitas, Nikos, Tito Castillo, Johan Fihn, Jon Johnson, Emma Melissa, Jonathan Tebbett, Joachim Wackerow, Catharina Wasner, and Wolfgang Zenk-Möltgen. 2014. "EDDI14 - 6th Annual European DDI User Conference (chair Joachim Wackerow)." IOE – Institute of Education, London, 2014-12-02 - 2014-12-03. https://www.eddi-conferences.eu/eddi-2014/.
  • Askitas, Nikos, Anne Sofie Fink, Denis Grofils, Jannik Vestergaard Jensen, Jon Johnson, Mogens Grosen Nielsen, Christian Lindgaard Olesen, Diana Ransgaard Sørensen, Joachim Wackerow, Catharina Wasner, Knut Wenzig, and Wolfgang Zenk-Möltgen. 2015. "EDDI15 – 7th Annual European DDI User Conference (chair Joachim Wackerow)." DST – Statistics Denmark, Copenhagen, 2015-12-02 - 2015-12-03. https://www.eddi-conferences.eu/eddi-2015/.
  • Wackerow, Joachim, Larry Hoyle, and Thomas Bosch. 2014. Physical Data Description (PHDD): (Draft of metadata specification). http://rdf-vocabulary.ddialliance.org/phdd.html.
  • Bosch, Thomas, Richard Cyganiak, Joachim Wackerow, and Benjamin Zapilko. 2015. DDI-RDF Discovery Vocabulary: A Vocabulary for Publishing Metadata about Data Sets (Research and Survey Data) into the Web of Linked Data: (Draft of metadata specification). http://rdf-vocabulary.ddialliance.org/discovery.html.
  • Kramer, Stefan, Amber Leahey, Humphrey Southall, Johanna Vompras, and Joachim Wackerow. 2012. Using RDF to Describe and Link Social Science Data to Related Resources on the Web. RatSWD Working Paper Series 207. http://www.ratswd.de/download/RatSWD_WP_2012/RatSWD_WP_207.pdf.
  • Kramer, Stefan, Amber Leahey, Humphrey Southall, Johanna Vompras, and Joachim Wackerow. 2012. "Using RDF to describe and link social science data to related resources on the web." DDI Working Paper Series. doi: https://doi.org/10.3886/ddisemanticweb01.
  • Gregory, Arofan, Wendy Thomas, Joachim Wackerow, Johan Fihn, Jeremy Iverson, Jon Johnson, and Dan Smith. 2014. Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) Technical Specification Version 3.2 (metadata specification). http://www.ddialliance.org/Specification/DDI-Lifecycle/3.2/.
  • Block, William, Thomas Bosch, Bryan Fitzpatrick, Daniel Gillman, Jay Greenfield, Arofan Gregory, Marcel Hebing, Larry Hoyle, Chuck Humphrey, Jon Johnson, Jenny Linnerud, Brigitte Mathiak, Steven McEachern, Olof Olsson, Barry Radler, Ørnulf Risnes, Dan Smith, Wendy Thomas, Joachim Wackerow, Dennis Wegener, and Wolfgang Zenk-Möltgen. 2012. "Developing a model-driven DDI specification." DDI Working Paper Series. doi: https://doi.org/10.3886/DDIWorkingPaper04.
  • Bosch, Thomas, Richard Cyganiak, Arofan Gregory, and Joachim Wackerow. 2013. "DDI-RDF Discovery Vocabulary: A Metadata Vocabulary for Documenting Research and Survey Data." In Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Linked Data on the Web (LDOW 2013), 22nd International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2013), http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-996/papers/ldow2013-paper-12.pdf.
  • Hartmann, Thomas, Benjamin Zapilko, Joachim Wackerow, and Kai Eckert. 2016. "Directing the development of constraint languages by checking constraints on RDF data." International Journal of Semantic Computing 10 (2): 193-217. doi: https://doi.org/10.1142/S1793351X16400079.
  • Wackerow, Joachim. 2016. "DDI and Its Role in Modernizing Official Statistics." Sixth Session of the Statistical Commission of Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC-StatCom). https://sesricdiag.blob.core.windows.net/sesric-site-blob/imgs/news/1517_PRESENTATION_OICSTATCOM6_S4_ARCHITECTURAL_DDI%20ALLIANCE.pdf.
  • Wackerow, Joachim. 2013. "SemStats 2013 - 1st International Workshop on Semantic Statistics co-located with the 12th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2013)." http://semstats.org/2013/.
  • Wackerow, Joachim. 2014. "SemStats 2014 - 2nd International Workshop on Semantic Statistics co-located with the 13th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2014)." http://semstats.org/2014/.
  • Wackerow, Joachim. 2016. "SemStats 2016 - 4th International Workshop on Semantic Statistics co-located with the 15th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2016)." http://semstats.org/2016/.
  • Wackerow, Joachim. 2014. "Journal of Official Statistics." https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/jos.
  • Johnson, Jon, and Joachim Wackerow. 2015. "Session: Recent developments in survey metadata capture, discovery and harmonisation." ESRA 2015: 6th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Reykjavik, 2015-07-16.
  • Wackerow, Joachim. 2016. "Session: The Role and Benefit of Metadata Capture, Discovery and Harmonization in Survey Research." 5th Biennial ACSPRI Social Science Methodology Conference. https://conference.acspri.org.au/index.php/conf/conference2016/schedConf/presentations.
  • Wackerow, Joachim. 2011. "DDI URN - Enabling identification and reuse of DDI metadata." Workshop: Persistent Identifiers for the Social Sciences. https://conference.iza.org/conference_files/PeIdSS2011/wackerow_j4483.pptx.
  • Wackerow, Joachim. 2012. "A machine-actionable processing chain for identifier, metadata and data." Workshop: Metadata and Persistent Identifiers for Social and Economic Data. http://www.ratswd.de/ver/docs_PID_2012/Wackerow_PID2012.pdf.
  • Wackerow, Joachim, and Mary Vardigan. 2013. "An established international metadata standard: The Data Documentation Initiative (DDI)." In Understanding research infrastructures in the social sciences, edited by Brian Kleiner, Isabelle Renschler, Boris Wernli, Peter Farago, and Dominique Joye, 158-167. Zürich: Seismo, Zürich.
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