Teilen von Daten

Unsere Forschung im Bereich des Teilens von Daten beinhaltet die Gründe, Motivationen oder Hindernisse sowie die Bedingungen und Ergebnisse von offen verfügbaren Forschungsdaten. Ein Aspekt ist, dass Primärforschende ihre Daten für andere Projekte verfügbar machen, so dass die Daten mehr als einmal genutzt werden können. Des Weiteren kann die Sekundärnutzung verfügbarer Daten sehr effektiv sein und wertvolle neue Forschungsfragen generieren.

Einen weiteren Aspekt stellt die Transparenz der Forschung dar, durch die wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse sowohl bei Primärnutzung als auch bei Sekundärnutzung überprüfbar werden.

  • Wackerow, Joachim, and Mary Vardigan. 2013. "An established international metadata standard: The Data Documentation Initiative (DDI)." In Understanding research infrastructures in the social sciences, edited by Brian Kleiner, Isabelle Renschler, Boris Wernli, Peter Farago, and Dominique Joye, 158-167. Zürich: Seismo, Zürich.
  • Hoyle, Larry, Louise Corti, Arofan Gregory, Agustina Martinez, Joachim Wackerow, Eirik Alvar, Noemi Cabrera, Damien Gallagher, Tobias Gebel, Jani Hautamaki, Arja Kuula, Steven McEachern, and Cornelia Züll. 2013. "A qualitative data model for DDI." DDI Working Paper Series 2013. doi: https://doi.org/10.3886/DDIWorkingPaper05.
  • Hoyle, Larry, Fortunato Castillo, Benjamin Clark, Neeraj Kashyap, Denise Perpich, Joachim Wackerow, and Knut Wenzig. 2011. "Metadata for the longitudinal data life cycle." DDI Working Paper Series (Longitudinal Best Practice, No. 3). doi: https://doi.org/10.3886/DDILongitudinal03.
  • Hoyle, Larry, and Joachim Wackerow. 2011. "DDI and the Lifecycle of Longitudinal Surveys." 4th Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA). https://www.slideserve.com/knoton/ddi-and-the-lifecycle-of-longitudinal-surveys.
  • Hoyle, Larry, and Joachim Wackerow. 2011. "DDI as a Common Format for Export and Import from Statistical Packages." EDDI11 - 3rd Annual European DDI Users Group Meeting. http://www.ipsr.ku.edu/ksdata/DDI/DDI_as_aCommonFormatForTransport_2011_12_01.pptx.
  • Hoyle, Larry, and Joachim Wackerow. 2015. "DDI as a Common Format for Export and Import for Statistical Packages." IASSIST Quarterly 2015 (39, 3-4): 12-22. doi: https://doi.org/10.29173/iq127.
  • Vardigan, Mary, and Joachim Wackerow, ed. 2014. IASSIST Quarterly, Double Special Issue on DDI and Semantic Web. 38, 4 and 39, 1. https://iassistquarterly.com/index.php/iassist/issue/view/132.
  • Vardigan, Mary, and Joachim Wackerow, ed. 2015. IASSIST Quarterly, Special Issue on DDI. 39, 3. https://iassistquarterly.com/index.php/iassist/issue/view/28.
  • Wackerow, Joachim, ed. 2016. IASSIST Quarterly: Guest editor for two articles on DDI: 'Towards Common Metadata Using GSIM and DDI 3.2', 'Open-access for existing LMIC demographic surveillance data using DDI'. 40, 2. https://iassistquarterly.com/index.php/iassist/issue/view/105.
  • Firat, Serap, and Boris Heizmann, ed. 2018. Eurobarometer 82.1 (September 2014) - Variable Report: Documentation of the Archive release; dataset version 2.0.0, GESIS Study No. ZA5930, ICPSR Study No. 36661. Variable Reports 2018|3. Cologne: GESIS . doi: https://doi.org/10.4232/1.12978.
  • Gummer, Tobias. 2018. "International Journal of Social Research Methodology." Anzahl: 1.
  • Kroeber, Corinna, Vanessa Marent, Jessica Fortin-Rittberger, and Christina Eder. 2019. "Still a glass ceiling? Tracing the limits to women’s representation in elected office." Comparative European Politics online first 1-22. doi: https://doi.org/10.1057/s41295-018-0114-5.
  • Böhnke, Petra, and Boris Heizmann. 2018. "Armut und intergenerationale Mobilität." In Handbuch Armut : Ursachen, Trends, Maßnahmen, edited by Petra Böhnke, Jörg Dittmann, and Jan Goebel, 131-143. Stuttgart: UTB.
  • Firat, Serap, and Boris Heizmann, ed. 2018. Eurobarometer 81.5 (June 2014) - Variable Report: Documentation of the Archive release; dataset version 3.0.0, GESIS Study No. ZA5929, ICPSR Study No. 36241. Variable Reports 2018|2. Cologne: GESIS . doi: https://doi.org/10.4232/1.12969.
  • Wirth, Heike, and Kathrin Stief. 2017. "GESIS-Workshop within CESSDA Data Discovery Training - Working with European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS)." 2017-11-27 - 2017-11-29.
  • Stief, Kathrin. 2017. "Data Structure and Data Management." GESIS-Workshop within CESSDA Data Discovery Training - Working with European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS), November 27-29, 2017-11-28.
  • Stief, Kathrin. 2017. "GESIS-Workshop within CESSDA Data Discovery Training - Working with European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS): Part II: Computer Lab Session – Data Structure and Data Management."
  • Stief, Kathrin. 2017. "Introduction to the Training Dataset." GESIS-Workshop within CESSDA Data Discovery Training - Working with European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS), November 27-29, 2017-11-28.
  • Gauly, Britta, Jessica Daikeler, Tobias Gummer, and Beatrice Rammstedt. 2018. "What's your Wage? Comparing Survey and Administrative Data to Validate Earning Information." Perspectives on (Un-) Employment - 10th Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Workshop , 2018-01-18.
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