Wealth Stratification and the Insurance Function of Wealth (2023, Volume 11, Issue 1)
Edited by Nora Müller, Klaus Pforr and Jascha Dräger
Complete issue: www.cogitatiopress.com/socialinclusion/issue/view/305
Die Artikel in dieser Ausgabe werfen ein innovatives Licht auf die Versicherungsfunktion von Vermögen in Bezug auf eine Reihe von Themen, die für Forschende im Bereich der sozialen Schichtung und Sozialpolitik relevant sind.
Table of Contents:
Wealth Stratification and the Insurance Function of Wealth
By Nora Müller, Klaus Pforr and Jascha Dräger
Insured Privately? Wealth Stratification of Job Loss in the UK
By Selçuk Bedük
The Buffer Function of Wealth in Socioemotional Responses to Covid‐19 in Italy
By Davide Gritti, Filippo Gioachin and Anna Zamberlan
Is Property an Insurance or an Additional Burden? Financial Stress Among Homeowners in Europe
By Martin Heidenreich and Sven Broschinski
Wealth and Welfare: Do Private and Public Safety Nets Compensate for Asset Poverty?
By Severin Rapp and Stefan Humer
Financial Solidarity or Autonomy? How Gendered Wealth and Income Inequalities Influence Couples’ Money Management
By Agnieszka Althaber, Kathrin Leuze and Ramona Künzel
Wealth Accumulation and De‐Risking Strategies Among High‐Wealth Individuals
By Donna Carmichael