German Microdata Lab

Statistics on Information and Communications Technologies usage in households and by individuals (ICT)

Population The statistics on Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) usage covers individuals and households, but there is also a harmonized EU-ICT usage survey referring to enterprises (Community survey on ICT usage of enterprises)
Survey Period From 2002 on an annual basis in the EU member states plus NO, TR and CH.
Survey Method The data are collected by the National Statistical Institutes or Ministries, based on Eurostat’s annual model surveys on ICT usage and e-commerce in enterprises and ICT usage in households and by individuals. The data are generally delivered to Eurostat in the fourth quarter of the reference year.
Topics The subjects covered by the ICT survey (households and individuals) are access to and use of ICT systems by individuals and/or in households, use of internet for different purposes by individuals and/or in households, ICT security, ICT competence, barriers to use of ICT, perceived effects of ICT usage on individuals and/or on households. Not all subjects are covered each year.
Data Access Council Regulation (CE) No 322/97 of 17 February 1997 (OJ No L 52/1) and Council Regulation No 1588/90 of 11 June 1990 on the transmission of the data subject to statistical confidentiality to the Statistical Office of the European Communities (OJ No L 151/ 1) stipulates the detailed rules used for receiving, processing and disseminating the data. However up to now there is no access to the ICT microdata files. Only aggregated tables and indicators are disseminated by Eurostat:
Further Information

EU-ICT regulations
REGULATION (EC) No 808/2004 concerning Community statistics on the information society

Commission Regulation (EC) No 1099/2005
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1031/2006 

EU-ICT metadata
Methodological Manual 2006
Methodological Manual 2007

EU-ICT model questionnaires
Households: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008
Enterprises:  2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008


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