Historical Social Research
Mikhail Polianskii: The Perils of Ruxit: Russia’s Tension-Ridden Dissociation from the European Security Order. [Abstract]

Why have relations between Russia and the West experienced such a dramatic downturn despite already hitting what seemed to be rock bottom in 2014? The dissociation model offers a novel approach to analyse the conflict between the two sides and its tragic development. According to this approach, Russia’s dissociation from the pan-European social order contributed to the outbreak of hostilities in 2014 and to Russia’s war of aggression in February 2022. Signs of Russia’s dissociation – intentional distancing from the core rules and norms of this order – were evident long before the annexation of Crimea in 2014, but the developments that followed marked a culmination of this process. The paper asserts that during the dissociation process, the foregrounding of ideational factors as opposed to material factors aggravated tensions and contributed to the radicalisation of relations between Russia and the West. Specifically, the study demonstrates how the fallout of institutional breakdown precluded management of the territorial security conflicts, resulted in the securitisation of the energy sector and overall polarisation of the relationship, and accelerated Russia’s authoritarian turn, preventing any attempt to repair bilateral and multilateral relations with the West after 2014.

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