- Eve Chiapello & Lisa Knoll: Social Finance and Impact Investing. Governing Welfare in the Era of Financialization.
- Emily Barman: Many a Slip: The Challenge of Impact as Boundary Object in Social Finance.
- Antoine Ducastel & Ward Anseeuw: Impact Investing in South Africa: Investing in Empowerment, Empowering Investors.
- Serena Natile: Digital Finance Inclusion and the Mobile Money “Social” Enterprise: A Socio-Legal Critique of M-Pesa in Kenya.
- Jacob Hellman: Feeling Good and Financing Impact: Affective Judgments as a Tool for Social Investing.
- Théo Bourgeron: Constructing the Double Circulation of Capital and “Social Impact.” An Ethnographic Study of a French Impact Investment Fund.
- Davide Caselli: Did You Say “Social Impact”? Welfare Transformations, Networks of Expertise, and the Financialization of Italian Welfare.
- Leslie Huckfield: The Mythology of the Social Impact Bond. A Critical Assessment from a Concerned Observer.
- Manuel Wirth: Nudging Subjects at Risk: Social Impact Bonds between Financialization and Compassion.
- Herbert Obinger: Conscription, the Military, and Welfare State Development: An Introduction.
- Nikolas Dörr, Lukas Grawe & Herbert Obinger: The Military Origins of Labor Protection Legislation in Imperial Germany.
- Nikolas Dörr: “As far as Numbers are concerned, we are beaten” Finis Galliae and the Nexus between Fears of Depopulation, Welfare Reform, and the Military in France during the Third Republic, 1870-1940.
- Delia González de Reufels: Health, Education, and General Conscription: Chilean Social Policy and the Military in the Second Half of the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century.
- Lukas Grawe: The Influence of Military Considerations on the 1869 Reichsvolksschulgesetz in Imperial Austria.
- Klaus Petersen: The Welfare Defence: Military Security and Social Welfare in Denmark from 1848 to the Cold War.
- Pierluigi Pironti: Warfare to Welfare: World War I and the Development of Social Legislation in Italy.
- Carina Schmitt: The Warfare – Welfare Nexus in French African Colonies in the Course of the First and Second World War.
- Olivier Burtin: The History of Veterans’ Policy in the United States: A Comparative Overview.
- Hubert Knoblauch & Martina Löw: The Re-Figuration of Spaces and Refigured Modernity – Concept and Diagnosis.
- Fernando Zanella: The spend-and-tax or tax-and-spend: further evidence for the Brazilian imperial period.
- Rainer Diaz-Bone, Andrea D. Bührmann, Encarnacion Gutiérrez Rodriguez, Werner Schneider, Gavin Kendall & Francisco Tirado: The field of Foucaultian discourse analysis: structures, developments and perspectives.
- Rainer Diaz-Bone: Die französische Epistemologie und ihre Revisionen: zur Rekonstruktion des methodologischen Standortes der Foucaultschen Diskursanalyse.
- Reiner Keller: Diskurse und Dispositive analysieren: die wissenssoziologische Diskursanalyse als Beitrag zu einer wissensanalytischen Profilierung der Diskursforschung.
- Andrea D. Bührmann & Werner Schneider: Mehr als nur diskursive Praxis?: konzeptionelle Grundlagen und methodische Aspekte der Dispositivanalyse.
- Gary Wickham & Gavin Kendall: Critical discourse analysis, description, explanation, causes: Foucault's inspiration versus Weber's perspiration.
- Niels Helsloot & Tony Hak: Pecheux's contribution to discourse analysis.
- Georg Glasze: Vorschläge zur Operationalisierung der Diskurstheorie von Laclau und Mouffe in einer Triangulation von lexikometrischen und interpretativen Methoden.
- Francisco Tirado & Ana Galvez: Positioning theory and discourse analysis: some tools for social interaction analysis.
- Encarnacion Gutiérrez Rodriguez: Reading affect - on the heterotopian spaces of care and domestic work in private households.
- Sybille Bauriedl: Räume lesen lernen: Methoden zur Raumanalyse in der Diskursforschung.
- Anne Waldschmidt, Anne Klein, Miguel Tamayo Korte &Sibel Dalman-Eken: Diskurs im Alltag - Alltag im Diskurs: ein Beitrag zu einer empirisch begründeten Methodologie sozialwissenschaftlicher Diskursforschung.