7.2 - Mixed Issue
HSR Vol. 7 (1982) No. 2: Mixed Issue
- Lehners, Jean-Paul: Schwerpunkte historisch-demographischer Forschung in West- und Mitteleuropa.
- Spree, Reinhard: The German petite bourgeoisie and the decline of fertility: some statistical evidence from the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
- Hohorst, Gerd: The decline of fertility once again: a critical note on John Knodel's book and standardized demographic indexes.
- Schuler, Thomas: Population, household and family in Ravensberg (Westphalia): agriculture and linen production – their interlacing and their dynamic in a period of preindustrial expansion.
- Thaller, Manfred: Historical Software Issue 4: Calculs et Analyses Sur Ordinateur Appliques aux Reconstitutions (CASOAR).