
Die vielen Gesichter von GESIS


Studium der Soziologie, Sozialpsychologie und Betriebswirtschaftslehre an der Universität Mannheim; 1986 Abschluss als Diplom-Soziologe. Seit 1986 wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter bei ZUMA/GESIS. Von 1986 bis 1995 wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter in der ALLBUS Abteilung, zwischen 1995 und 2004 Leiter der ALLBUS-Abteilung. Seit 2001 im GESIS ESS Team.


Mitarbeit an und Beratung von internationalen Umfrageprojekten, insbesondere beim European Social Survey.




Blohm, Michael, and Achim Koch. 2021. "Monetary incentives in large-scale face-to-face surveys: Evidence from a series of experiments." International Journal of Public Opinion Research 33 (3): 690–702. doi:

Meitinger, Katharina, Sven Stadtmüller, Henning Silber, Roman Auriga, Michael Bergmann, Michael Blohm, Manuela S. Blumenberg, Pablo Christmann, Barbara Felderer, Corinna Frodermann, Florian Griese, Tobias Gummer, Achim Koch, Anita Kottwitz, Kristina Krell, Ulrich Krieger, Elisabeth Liebau, Silke Martin, Andre Müller-Kuller, Beatrice Rammstedt, Ines Schaurer, Annette Scherpenzeel, Claudia Schmiedeberg, Tobias Schmidt, Christian Schnaudt, Sascha Verhoeven, and Anouk Zabal. 2020. "Fieldwork monitoring in practice: Insights from 17 large-scale social science surveys in Germany." Survey Methods: Insights from the Field (SMIF) 2020 (18.05.2020). doi:

Eckman, Stephanie, and Achim Koch. 2019. "Interviewer involvement in sample selection shapes the relationship between response rates and data quality." Public Opinion Quarterly 83 (2): 313-337. doi:

Grauenhorst, Thomas, Michael Blohm, and Achim Koch. 2016. "Respondent incentives in a national face-to-face survey: Do they affect response quality?" Field Methods 28 (3): 266-283. doi:

Pforr, Klaus, Michael Blohm, Annelies Geerte Blom, Barbara Erdel, Barbara Felderer, Mathis Fräßdorf, Kristin Hajek, Susanne Helmschrott, Corinna Kleinert, Achim Koch, Ulrich Krieger, Martin Kroh, Silke Martin, Denise Saßenroth, Claudia Schmiedeberg, Eva-Maria Trüdinger, and Beatrice Rammstedt. 2015. "Are incentive effects on response rates and nonresponse bias in large-scale, face-to-face surveys generalizable to Germany? Evidence from ten experiments." Public Opinion Quarterly 79 (3): 740-768. doi:

Blohm, Michael, and Achim Koch. 2013. "Respondent incentives in a national face-to-face survey: effects on outcome rates, sample composition and fieldwork efforts." mda : Methoden, Daten, Analysen 7 / 1 89-122. doi:

Koch, Achim, Annelies Geerte Blom, Ineke Stoop, and Joost Kappelhof. 2009. "Data collection quality assurance in cross-national surveys: the example of the ESS." mda : Methoden, Daten, Analysen 3.2009,2 219-247.

Koch, Achim, and Michael Blohm. 2009. "Item nonresponse in the European Social Survey." ASK: Research and Methods 18.2009 45-66.

Blohm, Michael, Joop Hox, and Achim Koch. 2007. "The Influence of Interviewers’ Contact Behavior on the Contact and Cooperation Rate in Face-to-Face Household Surveys." International Journal of Public Opinion Research Jg. 19, H. 1 97-111. doi:

Smith, Tom W., Jibum Kim, Achim Koch, and Alison Park. 2006. "Social-science research and the General Social Surveys." Comparative Sociology vol. 5, no. 1 33-43. doi:

Koch, Achim. 2002. "20 Jahre Feldarbeit im ALLBUS: ein Blick in die Blackbox." ZUMA-Nachrichten 51 9-37.

Koch, Achim. 1998. "Wenn "mehr" nicht gleichbedeutend mit "besser" ist. Ausschöpfungsquoten und Stichprobenverzerrungen in Allgemeinen Bevölkerungsumfragen.." ZUMA-Nachrichten Nr. 42 66-90.

Koch, Achim. 1997. "Teilnahmeverhalten beim ALLBUS 1994. Soziodemographische Determinanten von Erreichbarkeit, Befragungsfähigkeit und Kooperationsbereitschaft.." Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie Jg. 49, H. 1 98 - 122.

Beitrag im Sammelwerk

Koch, Achim. 2018. "Within-Household Selection of Respondents." In Advances in Comparative Survey Methods: Multinational, Multiregional and Multicultural Contexts (3MC), 93 - 112 , edited by Timothy P. Johnson, Beth-Ellen Pennell, Ineke A. L. Stoop, and Brita Dorer, Wiley Series in Survey Methodology . New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Blohm, Michael, and Achim Koch. 2015. "Führt eine höhere Ausschöpfung zu anderen Umfrageergebnissen? Eine experimentelle Studie zum ALLBUS 2008." 1. In Nonresponse Bias: Qualitätssicherung sozialwissenschaftlicher Umfragen, edited by Jürgen Schupp, and Christof Wolf, Schriftenreihe der ASI - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Sozialwissenschaftlicher Institute, 85 - 129. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Stoop, Ineke A. L., and Achim Koch. 2013. "Data collection as a scientific process: process control and process quality in the European Social Survey." In Understanding Research Infrastructures in the Social Sciences, edited by Brian Kleiner, 145-157. Zürich: Seismo.

Stoop, Ineke, Hideko Matsuo, Achim Koch, and Jaak Billiet. 2010. "Paradata in the European Social Survey: studying nonresponse and adjusting for bias." In Joint Statistical Meeting 2010: Proceedings Section on Survey Research Methods, 407 - 421. Alexandria, Va.: American Statistical Association.

Billiet, Jaak, Achim Koch, and Michel Philippens. 2007. "Understanding and improving response rates." In Measuring attitudes cross-nationally. Lessons from the European Social Survey, edited by Roger Jowell, Carl Roberts, Rory Fitzgerald, and Gillian Eva, 113 - 137. London u.a.: Sage.

Koch, Achim, and Martina Wasmer. 2004. "Der ALLBUS als Instrument zur Untersuchung sozialen Wandels: Eine Zwischenbilanz nach 20 Jahren.." In Sozialer und politischer Wandel in Deutschland. Analysen mit ALLBUS-Daten aus zwei Jahrzehnten, edited by Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck, Martina Wasmer, and Achim Koch, Blickpunkt Gesellschaft 7, 13-41. Wiesbaden: VS Verl. für Sozialwiss..

Wasmer, Martina, and Achim Koch. 2003. "Foreigners as second-class citizens? attitudes toward equal civil rights for Non-Germans." In Germans or Foreigners?Attitudes Toward Ethnic Minorities in Post-Reunification Germany, edited by Richard Alba, Peter Schmidt, and Martina Wasmer, 95-118. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.


Stoop, Ineke, Jaak Billiet, Achim Koch, and Rory Fitzgerald. 2010. Improving survey response: lessons learned from the European Social Survey. Wiley series in survey methodology. Chichester: Wiley.

Arbeits- und Diskussionspapier

Koch, Achim, and Roberto Briceno-Rosas. 2021. Assessment of socio-demographic sample composition in ESS Round 8 and 9. Mannheim: European Social Survey, GESIS.

Koch, Achim. 2018. Assessment of socio-demographic sample composition in ESS Round 7. Mannheim: European Social Survey, GESIS.

Stoop, Ineke A. L., Roberto Briceno-Rosas, Achim Koch, and Caroline Vandenplas. 2018. Data falsification in the European Social Survey? London: European Social Survey.

Koch, Achim. 2016. Assessment of socio-demographic sample composition in ESS Round 6. Mannheim: European Social Survey, GESIS.

Koch, Achim, and Michael Blohm. 2015. Nonresponse Bias. GESIS Survey Guidelines. Mannheim: GESIS – Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften. doi:

Koch, Achim, Verena Halbherr, Ineke A. L. Stoop, and Joost W.S. Kappelhof. 2014. Assessing ESS sample quality by using external and internal criteria. European Social Survey. Mannheim: GESIS.

Koch, Achim, Rory Fitzgerald, Verena Halbherr, and Ana Villar. 2014. ESS Round 7 Progress Reports from Survey Organisations. London: European Social Survey.

Stoop, Ineke A. L., Achim Koch, Verena Halbherr, Rory Fitzgerald, and Sally Widdop. 2014. Field Procedures in the European Social Survey Round 7: Enhancing Response Rates. The Hague: European Social Survey.



Blohm, Michael, and Achim Koch. 2018. "Do declining response rates negatively affect sample composition? A longitudinal analysis using data from the German General Social Survey (ALLBUS)." European Conference on Quality in Official Statistics (Q2018), 2018-06-26.

Koch, Achim. 2017. "Assessment of sociodemographic sample composition in the European Social Survey." 5th Italian Conference on Survey Methodology, 14-16 June 2017.

Blohm, Michael, and Achim Koch. 2017. "Monetary incentives in face-to-face surveys of the general population - what works best? Evidence from the German General Social Survey (ALLBUS)." ESRA 2017: 7th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, 2017-07-17.

Stoop, Ineke A. L., Joost W.S. Kappelhof, and Achim Koch. 2017. "Quality targets and quality control in the European Social Survey." ESRA 2017: 7th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, 2017-07-19.

Eckman, Stephanie, and Achim Koch. 2016. "Are Response Rate Standards Good for Data Quality? Evidence from the European Social Survey." WAPOR 69th Annual Conference, Public Opinion in Transition, May 10-12, 2016, Austin, Texas, USA.

Blohm, Michael, and Achim Koch. 2016. "The relationship between response rates and nonresponse bias – Regularities over time and over the data collection period." 27th International Workshop on Household Survey Nonresponse, Oslo, 31.08.2016.

Blohm, Michael, and Achim Koch. 2016. "Using monetary incentives in face-to-face surveys. Are prepaid incentives more effective than promised incentives?" European Conference on Quality in Official Statistics (Q2016), 2016-06-03.

Koch, Achim, and Timothy P. Johnson. 2016. "Within-household selection of respondents: The last step of sampling in household surveys." Second International Conference on Survey Methods in Multinational, Multiregional and Multicultural Contexts (3MC 2016), Chicago July 25-29, 2016 .

Blohm, Michael, Jessica G. Walter, Martina Wasmer, and Achim Koch. 2015. "Does the Use of Respondent Incentives Affect the Measurement of Attitudes towards Social Inequality? Evidence from an Experiment Conducted in the German General Social Survey (ALLBUS) 2014." ESA 2015: 12the Conference of the European Sociological Association.

Blohm, Michael, and Achim Koch. 2015. "Nonresponse Bias, Response Rates and the Type of Sample: Evidence from National and Cross-National Surveys." 26th International Workshop on Household Survey Nonresponse.

Blohm, Michael, and Achim Koch. 2015. "What is more effective – prepaid or promised incentives? An experiment in the German General Social Survey (ALLBUS) 2014." ESRA 2015: 6th Conference of the European Survey Research Association.

Blohm, Michael, and Achim Koch. 2013. "Do microgeographic data provide useful auxiliary variables to adjust for nonresponse bias?" 5th Conference of the European Survey Research Association.

Kappelhof, Joost, Verena Halbherr, Ineke A. L. Stoop, and Achim Koch. 2013. "Quality standards for survey data collection in the European Social Survey." ESRA 2013: 5th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, 2013-07-15.

Blohm, Michael, and Achim Koch. 2013. "The use of microgeographic data to study nonresponse in the German General Social Survey (ALLBUS) 2012: a replication and extension of a previous analysis with 2010 data." 24th International Workshop on Household Survey Nonresponse.

Stoop, Ineke, and Achim Koch. 2011. "Nonresponse strategies in the European Social Survey." 4th Conference of the European Survey Research Association.

Halbherr, Verena, and Achim Koch. 2011. "Quality Assurance in Cross-national Surveys: The Example of the ESS." 4th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, 2011-07-18.

Blohm, Michael, and Achim Koch. 2011. "The use of microgeographic data to study nonresponse in the German General Social Survey (ALLBUS) 2010." 22nd International Workshop on Household Survey Nonresponse.

Blohm, Michael, and Achim Koch. 2011. "Using respondent incentives in a national face-to-face survey (ALLBUS 2010): Effects on outcome rates, sample composition, and fieldwork efforts." 4th Conference of the European Survey Research Association.

Blohm, Michael, and Achim Koch. 2010. "Does a higher response rate mean different / better survey results? Evidence from an experimental study in the German General Social Survey 2008." Polish ESS 4 launch conference "The European Social Survey Round 4. Poland and Europe: Continuation and Change".

Stoop, Ineke, Jaak Billiet, and Achim Koch. 2010. "Nonresponse adjustment in the European Social Survey (ESS)." Q2010 - European Conference on Quality of Official Statistics.

Koch, Achim. 2010. "Qualitätssicherung in international vergleichenden Umfragen: das Beispiel ESS." 35. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie.

Stoop, Ineke, Hideko Matsuo, Jaak Billiet, and Achim Koch. 2010. "The use of paradata (and other auxiliary data) for nonresponse adjustment in the European Social Survey (ESS)." JSM 2010 - Joint Statistical Meetings.

Blohm, Michael, Achim Koch, and Hanna Kaspar. 2009. "Moving up: Does an increase in response mean different survey results?" 3rd Conference of the European Survey Research Association.

Blohm, Michael, Achim Koch, and Hanna Kaspar. 2009. "Non-response in the German General Social Survey 2008.." WAPOR 62nd Annual Conference "Public Opinion and Survey Research in a Changing World".

Koch, Achim, and Michael Blohm. 2008. "Data Quality in the First Three Rounds of the European Social Survey (ESS): The Case of Item Nonresponse." International Conference on Survey Methods in Multinational, Multiregional, and Multicultural Contexts (3MC).

Blohm, Michael, Achim Koch, and Hanna Kaspar. 2008. "Increasing response rates: The higher, the better? First results from an experimental study in the German General Social Survey (ALLBUS) 2008." 19th International Workshop on Household Survey Nonresponse.

Koch, Achim, Jaak Billiet, and Ineke Stoop. 2008. "Response rates and nonresponse bias in the ESS: What have we learned from three rounds?" International Conference on Survey Methods in Multinational, Multiregional, and Multicultural Contexts (3MC).