
Die vielen Gesichter von GESIS


I studied Political Science at the University of Mannheim (MA- 2024) and attained my BA in Political Science and International Relations, along with a minor degree in Economics, from Bogazici University (2021, Istanbul-Turkey).  During my undergraduate studies, I engaged as a student research assistant and student teaching assistant at the university. While in Mannheim, I was a student research assistant at GESIS Survey Design and Methodology, Team Cross-Cultural Surveys.

I am currently a doctoral researcher at GESIS and working on the Infra4NextGen project about survey data harmonization.


Ex-post survey data harmonization 
Delivering infrastructure for the next generation EU (Infra4NextGen)


Social Inequality, Comparative Social Policy and the Welfare State, Coalition Formation in Authoritarian Systems, Multivariate Analysis, Social Network Analysis, Quality and Comparability in Cross-Cultural Surveys