
Die vielen Gesichter von GESIS


Theresa Nutz studierte Soziologie (B.A. and M.A.) an der Universität Mannheim. Von Juni 2017 bis März 2021 war sie Teil der Nachwuchsgruppe "Accumulation of Personal Wealth in Couples: Individual Resources and Gender Inequalities in Intimate Relationships (MyWealth)" an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Seit März 2021 ist sie wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin im Team Family Surveys (DRS).

In ihrer Doktorarbeit an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin untersuchte sie die Rolle von Erwerbs- und Partnerschaftsbiographien für Vermögensungleichheit in älteren Paaren.


Familiensoziologie, Genderungleichheit, Life Course Soziologie



Hank, Karsten, Tobias Gummer, Martin Bujard, Franz J. Neyer, Reinhard Pollak, C. Katharina Spieß, Christof Wolf, Pablo Christmann, Tanja Kunz, Detlev Lück, Robert Naderi, Theresa Nutz, Lisa Schmid, and Carolin Thönnissen. 2024. "A new data infrastructure for family research and demographic analysis: The German Family Demography Panel Study (FReDA)." European Sociological Review online first. doi:

Hünteler, Bettina, Theresa Nutz, and Jonathan Wörn. 2024. "Intergenerational family life courses and wealth accumulation in Norway." Social Forces online first. doi:

Nutz, Theresa, Lisa Schmid, and Reinhard Pollak. 2023. "The Division of Routine and Non-Routine Housework Among Migrant and Native Couples in Germany." Comparative Population Studies 48 369-394. doi:

Nutz, Theresa, and Davide Gritti. 2022. "Dyadic employment biographies and within-couple wealth inequality in Britain and Western Germany." Journal of Marriage and Family 84 (2): 552-569 (replication files: doi:

Nutz, Theresa. 2022. "In sole or joint names? : The role of employment and marriage biographies for married women’s asset ownership in later life." Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 79 100690 (replication files: doi:

Kapelle, Nicole, Theresa Nutz, Daria Tisch, Manuel Schechtl, Philipp M. Lersch, and Emanuela Struffolino. 2022. "My wealth, (y)our life satisfaction? Sole and joint wealth ownership and life satisfaction in marriage." European Journal of Population 38 811-834 (replication files: doi:

Nutz, Theresa, Anika Nelles, and Philipp M. Lersch. 2022. "Who opts out? The customisation of marriage in the German matrimonial property regime." European Journal of Population 38 353–375 (replication files: doi:

Nutz, Theresa, and Philipp M. Lersch. 2021. "Gendered employment trajectories and individual wealth at older ages in Eastern and Western Germany." Advances in Life Course Research 47 100374 (replication files: doi:


Nutz, Theresa. 2022. Building up wealth hand in hand? Gendered life course interdependencies of personal wealth within older couples. Berlin: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. doi:

Arbeits- und Diskussionspapier

Nutz, Theresa, Nora Müller, and Hao Ting Chan. 2024. Generational trends and predictors of hormonal contraceptive use in Germany: A machine learning approach. doi:


Bujard, Martin, Tobias Gummer, Karsten Hank, Franz J. Neyer, Reinhard Pollak, Norbert F. Schneider, C. Katharina Spieß, Christof Wolf, Irina Bauer, Simon Börlin, David Bretschi, Katja Brüggemann, Pablo Christmann, Rüdiger Edinger, Felicitas Eigenbrodt, Lena C. Frembs, Katharina Groß, Carolin Jost, Tanja Kunz, Emily Lines, Detlev Lück, Robert Naderi, Elias Naumann, Theresa Nutz, Anne-Sophie Oehrlein, Viktoria Oellers, Kerstin Ruckdeschel, Lisa Schmid, Almut Schumann, Nina Schumann, Annika Stein, Carolin Thönnissen, Emely Ullrich, Ellen von den Driesch, and Ulrich Weih. 2023. FReDA - The German Family Demography Panel Study (Study No. ZA7777; Data File Version 2.0.0). doi:

Bujard, Martin, Tobias Gummer, Karsten Hank, Franz J. Neyer, Reinhard Pollak, Norbert F. Schneider, C. Katharina Spieß, Christof Wolf, Irina Bauer, Simon Börlin, David Bretschi, Katja Brüggemann, Pablo Christmann, Rüdiger Edinger, Felicitas Eigenbrodt, Lena C. Frembs, Katharina Groß, Carolin Jost, Tanja Kunz, Emily Lines, Detlev Lück, Robert Naderi, Elias Naumann, Theresa Nutz, Anne-Sophie Oehrlein, Viktoria Oellers, Kerstin Ruckdeschel, Lisa Schmid, Almut Schumann, Nina Schumann, Annika Stein, Carolin Thönnissen, Emely Ullrich, Ellen von den Driesch, and Ulrich Weih. 2023. FReDA - The German Family Demography Panel Study (Study No. ZA7777; Data File Version 3.0.0). doi:

Bujard, Martin, Tobias Gummer, Karsten Hank, Franz J. Neyer, Reinhard Pollak, Norbert F. Schneider, C. Katharina Spieß, Christof Wolf, Irina Bauer, Simon Börlin, David Bretschi, Katja Brüggemann, Pablo Christmann, Lena Frembs, Katharina Groß, Carolin Jost, Tanja Kunz, Rüdiger Lenke, Emily Lines, Detlev Lück, Robert Naderi, Elias Naumann, Theresa Nutz, Anne-Sophie Oehrlein, Viktoria Oellers, Kerstin Ruckdeschel, Lisa Schmid, Almut Schumann, Nina Schumann, Annika Stein, Carolin Thönnissen, Emely Ullrich, Ellen von den Driesch, and Ulrich Weih. 2022. FReDA - The German Family Demography Panel Study (Study No. ZA7777; Data File Version 1.0.0). doi:


Nutz, Theresa, and Davide Gritti. 2024. "Consequences of within-couple age heterogamy on personal wealth throughout marriage: A longitudinal dyadic perspective." European Consortium for Sociological Research (ECSR) Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 2024-09-14.

Nutz, Theresa, and Davide Gritti. 2024. "Consequences of within-couple age heterogamy on personal wealth throughout marriage: A longitudinal dyadic perspective." British Society for Population Studies (BSPS) Conference, Bath, UK, 2024-09-11.

Nutz, Theresa, Lisa Schmid, and Reinhard Pollak. 2023. "The division of routine and non-routine housework among migrant and native couples in Germany." Familie – Oikos – Care: Digitale Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Familiensoziologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, 2023-03-02.

Nutz, Theresa, Lisa Schmid, and Reinhard Pollak. 2023. "The division of routine and non-routine housework among migrant and native couples in Germany." 3 Years of FReDA: Families and Partnerships in Germany and Europe, Statistische Bundesamt (Destatis), Wiesbaden, 2023-07-05.

Nutz, Theresa. 2022. "In sole or joint names? The role of employment and marriage biographies for married women’s asset ownership in later life." 2022 SLLS Annual International Conference, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio (online), 2022-10-25.

Nutz, Theresa, and Davide Gritti. 2021. "Dividing labor, sharing assets? Dyadic employment biographies and the intra-couple wealth gap in Britain and Germany." ISA RC28 spring meeting 2021, Turku (online), 2021-06-03.

Nutz, Theresa. 2020. "Sole ownership of assets and debts among married women in later life." American Sociological Association (ASA), San Francisco (online).

Nutz, Theresa. 2020. "Sole ownership of assets and debts among married women in later life." Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE), Amsterdam (online), Amsterdam.

Nutz, Theresa. 2020. "Sole ownership of assets and debts among married women in later life." ECSR Online Conference.

Nutz, Theresa, and Philipp M. Lersch. 2019. "Employment histories and individual wealth at older ages in eastern and western Germany: A life course perspective." Workshop New Social Risks and Pension Policies in Europe, Hertie School of Governance, Berlin.

Nutz, Theresa, and Philipp M. Lersch. 2019. "Gendered employment trajectories and individual wealth at older ages in Eastern and Western Germany: A life course perspective." ISA RC28 Spring Meeting 2019, Frankfurt.

Nutz, Theresa, and Philipp M. Lersch. 2019. "Gendered employment trajectories and individual wealth at older ages in Eastern and Western Germany: A life course perspective." 9th Alpine Population Conference Alp-Pop, La Thuile, Italy.

Nutz, Theresa, and Philipp M. Lersch. 2018. "Gendered employment trajectories and individual wealth at older ages in Eastern and Western Germany: A life course perspective." ECSR Thematic Workshop "Wealth Inequality and Mobility", Luxembourg.

Nutz, Theresa, and Philipp M. Lersch. 2018. "Gendered employment trajectories and individual wealth at older ages in Eastern and Western Germany: A life course perspective." Society for Longitudinal and Life Course Studies International Conference (SLLS), Milan.

Nutz, Theresa, and Philipp M. Lersch. 2018. "Gendered employment trajectories and individual wealth at older ages in Eastern and Western Germany: A life course perspective." 26th Annual Population Postgraduate Conference (PopFest), Oxford.

Beitrag nicht auf Konferenz

Nutz, Theresa, Nora Müller, and Hao Ting Chan. 2024. "Is the Pill Outdated? Generational trends and predictors of hormonal contraceptive use in Germany: A machine learning approach." Brown Bag Seminar, University of Trento, Center for Social Inequality Studies (CSIS), Trento, 2024-05-09.

Nutz, Theresa, Nora Müller, and Hao Ting Chan. 2024. "Is the Pill Outdated? Generational trends and predictors of hormonal contraceptive use in Germany: A machine learning approach." FB1 Kolloquium, Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung, Wiesbaden, 2024-07-04.

Nutz, Theresa, and Davide Gritti. 2021. "Dividing labor, sharing assets? Dyadic employment biographies and the intra-couple wealth gap in Britain and Germany." Brown Bag Seminars, University of Trento, Center for Social Inequality Studies (CSIS), online, 2021-02-18.

Nutz, Theresa, Nicole Kapelle, Daria Tisch, Manuel Schechtl, Philipp M. Lersch, and Emanuela Struffolino. 2021. "My wealth, (y)our happiness? Wealth ownership structures and life satisfaction within marriage." Workshop: Wealth in Couples, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (online), 2021-04-22.


Schmid, Lisa, and Theresa Nutz. 2022. "Uni- und bivariate Datenanalyse (online)." GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften.

Ehrungen und Preise

Nutz, Theresa. 2022. "Advances in Life Course Research (ALCR) Young Scholar Award - shortlisted with the paper "Gendered employment trajectories and individual wealth at old ages in Eastern and Western Germany"."

Nutz, Theresa. 2021. "ISA RC28 spring meeting price for the best poster presentation with the paper "Dividing labor, sharing assets? Dyadic employment biographies and the intra-couple wealth gap in Britain and Germany"."

Nutz, Theresa. 2020. "ECSR Network Workshop Grant, European Consortium for Sociological Research."