Eurobarometer 31     March-April 1989     ZA No.  1750

European Elections 1989: Pre-Election Survey

Special Topics

  • Attitudes towards the European Parliament and the European Elections (pre-election) 
  • Smoking and dietary habits and prevention of cancer
  • Attitudes towards and knowledge about radioactivity
  • Attitudes towards science and technology in Europe
  • Use of media for news and satellite television
  • Attitudes towards the Single European Market
  • Attitudes towards violence and protest

Documents and Data


  • See also special release: "The European Elections Study 1989" (ZA2320)
  • See also special Eurobarometer trend file release: "Public Understanding of Science in Europe 1989-2005" (ZA4669).
  • See also "European Survey About Teachers and Cancer Prevention" conducted in January and February of 1989 and examining  teachers' opinions on health and cancer education in schools of 12 member countries of the European Community (ICPSR 9407).
  • Current archive dataset version / update: v1.0.1 (2012)
  • Errata
    • Variable REGION for Great Britain / United Kingdom in EUROBAROMETER 5-10 and 16-31A: Should read "EAST MIDLANDS" instead of "NORTH MIDLANDS".
    • The original British data for the AGE variables in Eurobarometer 30 and 31 incorrectly recorded the last two digits of year of birth instead of age at time. In the case of survey no. 30, the variable was recoded as far as possible. For survey no. 31, correct data have subsequently been inserted in the ZA data set. The codebook documentation has been corrected for ZA deliveries after March 15, 1999.


  • Commission of the European Communities: EUROBAROMETER 31. Brussels, June 1989.
  • Commission des Communautes Européennes: Les Européens et la prevention du cancer. Bruxelles, Decembre 1989.
  • Faits et Opinions: Les Européens et la radioprotection en 1989. Paris, Octobre 1989.
  • J.R. Durant, J.D. Miller, J.-F. Tchernia, W. van Deelen: Europeans, Science and Technology. Paper for American Association for Advancement of Science in 1991. Washington, D.C.
  • Herrmann Schmitt, Renato Mannheimer: The European Elections of June 1989. Special issue of The European Journal of Political Research (19:1), 1991.