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Metadata for Official Statistics
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General Information
Documented EU-Microdata
European Union Labor Force Survey (EU-LFS)
European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC)
not updated anymore
Adult Education Survey (AES)
Community Innovation Survey (CIS)
Structure of Earnings Survey (SES)
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EU Microdata
Variable List: Original Order
About AES
Study Documentation
Variable Documentation
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Database Description
Technical Reports
Data Handling & Analysis
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Original Order
Thematic Order
Variable List: AES 2007 - Cross-sectional
COUNTRY - Country ID, identifies participating countries
INDIVIDUALNO - Individual ID, identifies each response by individual by country, allocated by the national statistical institutes
COEFINDW - Whole part of the final weighting factor for individual
COEFINDD - Decimal part of the final weighting factor for individual
COEFACT1W - Whole part of the weighting factor for the 1st non-formal education activity selected
COEFACT1D - Decimal part of the weighting factor for the 1st non-formal education activity
COEFACT2W - Whole part of the weighting factor for the 2nd non-formal education activity selected
COEFACT2D - Decimal part of the weighting factor for the 2nd non-formal education activity
COEFACT3W - Whole part of the weighting factor for the 3rd non-formal education activity selected
COEFACT3D - Decimal part of the weighting factor for the 3rd non-formal education activity
INTERVMETH - Interview method
IDLANGUA - Language identification
YEAR - Year of the survey
MONTH - Quarter of the interview
DEGURB - Degree of urbanisation
NUMP03 - Number of persons 0-3 years old living in the same household
NUMP45 - Number of persons 4-5 years old living in the same household
NUMP613 - Number of persons 6-13 years old living in the same household
NUMP1418 - Number of persons 14-18 years old living in the same household
NUMP1964 - Number of persons 19-64 years old living in the same household (including the respondent)
NUMP65 - Number of persons 65 years and older living in the same household
SEX - Sex
YEARBIR - Year of birth
CITIZEN - Nationality
YEARRES - Years of residence in this Country
COUNTRYB - Country of birth
ISCED2D - Highest level of education or training successfully completed
HATFIELD - Field of highest level of education or training successfully completed
ISCDYEAR - Year when highest level of education or training was successfully completed
EDUAB - Was an abandoned education started on a higher level than the highest attained?
ISCDAB2D - Level of abandoned education
MAINSTAT - Main current labour status
STAPRO - Professional status
NACE2D - Economic activity of the local unit
ISCO2D - Occupation
NBPERS - Number of persons working at the local unit
YSTARTWK - Year in which person started working for this employer or as self-employed
FT_PT - Full-time - Part-time distinction
EXIST2J - Existence of more than one job or business
WSTATUS1Y - Situation with regard to activity one year before survey
STAPRO1Y - Professional status one year before survey
ISCO1Y2D - Occupation one year before survey
TYPE_CON1Y - Permanency of the job one year before survey
QUANTILE - Income group based on the monthly (take home) pay from main job
ISCEDFATH1D - Level of education attained by father (or male guardian)
ISCEDMOTH1D - Level of education attained by mother (or female guardian)
ISCOFATH1D - Main occupation of father
ISCOMOTH1D - Main occupation of mother
FEDSTAT - Participation in formal education (full time/part time) during the last 12 months
FEDNUM - Number of formal education activities participated in during the last 12 months
FEDLEV1 - Level of the 1st FED activity
FEDFIEL1 - Field of the 1st FED activity
FEDPUR1 - Main reason for participating in the 1st FED activity
FEDCOM1 - Computer or Internet used for the 1st FED activity
FEDDIST1 - The 1st FED activity was delivered through the distance learning
FEDLEN1 - Volume of instruction hours of the 1st FED activity
FEDWRK_HR1 - The 1st FED activity took place during paid working hours (including paid leave or recuperation)
FEDEMSUPS1 - The 1st FED activity was paid fully or partly by employer or prospective employer for tuition, registration or exam fees
FEDEMSUPG1 - The 1st FED activity was paid fully or partly by employer or prospective employer for expenses of books or technical study means
FEDHOUSS1 - The 1st FED activity was paid fully or partly by respondent or any member of the family for tuition, registration or exam fees
FEDHOUSG1 - The 1st FED activity was paid fully or partly by respondent or any member of the family for expenses of books or technical study means
FEDINWESTS1 - Cost in EURO of the 1st FED activity paid by respondent or any member of the family for tuition, registration or exam fees
FEDINWESTG1 - Cost in EURO of the 1st FED activity paid by respondent or any member of the family for books or technical study means
FEDLEV2 - Level of the 2nd FED activity
FEDFIEL2 - Field of the 2nd FED activity
FEDPUR2 - Main reason for participating in the 2nd FED activity
FEDCOM2 - Computer or Internet used for the 2nd FED activity
FEDDIST2 - The 2nd FED activity was delivered through the distance learning
FEDLEN2 - Volume of instruction hours of the 2nd FED activity
FEDWRK_HR2 - The 2nd FED activity took place during paid working hours (including paid leave or recuperation)
FEDEMSUPS2 - The 2nd FED activity was paid fully or partly by employer or prospective employer for tuition, registration or exam fees
FEDEMSUPG2 - The 2nd FED activity was paid fully or partly by employer or prospective employer for expenses of books or technical study means
FEDHOUSS2 - The 2nd FED activity was paid fully or partly by respondent or any member of the family for tuition, registration or exam fees
FEDHOUSG2 - The 2nd FED activity was paid fully or partly by respondent or any member of the family for expenses of books or technical study means
FEDINWESTS2 - Cost in EURO of the 2nd FED activity paid by respondent or any member of the family for tuition, registration or exam fees
FEDINWESTG2 - Cost in EUROof the 2nd FED activity paid by respondent or any member of the family for books or technical study means
FEDLEV3 - Level of the 3rd FED activity
FEDFIEL3 - Field of the 3rd FED activity
FEDPUR3 - Main reason for participating in the 3rd FED activity
FEDCOM3 - Computer or Internet used for the 3rd FED activity
FEDDIST3 - The 3rd FED activity was delivered through the distance learning
FEDLEN3 - Volume of instruction hours of the 3rd FED activity
FEDWRK_HR3 - The 3rd FED activity took place during paid working hours (including paid leave or recuperation)
FEDEMSUPS3 - The 3rd FED activity was paid fully or partly by employer or prospective employer for tuition, registration or exam fees
FEDEMSUPG3 - The 3rd FED activity was paid fully or partly by employer or prospective employer for expenses of books or technical study means
FEDHOUSS3 - The 3rd FED activity was paid fully or partly by respondent or any member of the family for tuition, registration or exam fees
FEDHOUSG3 - The 3rd FED activity was paid fully or partly by respondent or any member of the family for expenses of books or technical study means
FEDINWESTS3 - Cost in EURO of the 3rd FED activity paid by respondent or any member of the family for tuition, registration or exam fees
FEDINWESTG3 - Cost in EURO of the 3rd FED activity paid by respondent or any member of the family for books or technical study means
CLASSROOM - Participation in any private lesson or course (classroom instruction, lecture or a theoretical and practical course) during the last 12 months as non-formal education and training activity
DISTANCE - Participation in any course conducting through open and distance education during the last 12 months as non-formal education and training activity
SEMWORK - Participation in any seminar or workshop during the last 12 months as non-formal education and training activity
GUIOTJT - Participation in any guided on the job training during the last 12 months as non-formal education and training activity
NFE001 - Type of the 1st listed NFE activity
NFE002 - Type of the 2nd listed NFE activity
NFE003 - Type of the 3rd listed NFE activity
NFE004 - Type of the 4th listed NFE activity
NFE005 - Type of the 5th listed NFE activity
NFE006 - Type of the 6th listed NFE activity
NFE007 - Type of the 7th listed NFE activity
NFE008 - Type of the 8th listed NFE activity
NFE009 - Type of the 9th listed NFE activity
NFE010 - Type of the 10th listed NFE activity
NFE999 - Number of NFE activities reported
NFERAN1 - Code of the 1st NFE activity selected randomly
NFEFIELD1 - Field of the 1st NFE activity selected randomly
NFEPURP1 - The main reasons for participating in the 1st NFE selected randomly
NFERJOB1 - Reason of participation in the 1st NFE activity selected: to do a job better or improve carrier prospects
NFERLOSJ1 - Reason of participation in the 1st NFE activity selected: to be less likely to lose a job
NFERPROM1 - Reason of participation in the 1st NFE activity selected: to increase possibilities of getting a job, or changing a job/profession
NFENBUIS1 - Reason of participation in the 1st NFE activity selected: to start own business
NFEROBL1 - Reason of participation in the 1st NFE activity selected: participation was obligatory
NFERSKIL1 - Reason of participation in the 1st NFE activity selected: to get knowledge or skills useful in the everyday life
NFERSUB1 - Reason of participation in the 1st NFE activity selected: to increase knowledge or skills on a subject that interests the respondent
NFERCER1 - Reason of participation in the 1st NFE activity selected: to obtain certificate
NFERFUN1 - Reason of participation in the 1st NFE activity selected: to meet new people or for fun
NFEROTH1 - Reason of participation in the 1st NFE activity selected: other reason
NFEWRK_HR1 - The 1st NFE activity selected took place during paid working hours (including paid leave and recuperation)
NFECER1 - The 1st NFE activity selected leaded to a certificate required by law for the current or the planned activity on the labour market (as employer or employee)
NFEEMSUPS1 - The 1st NFE activity was paid fully or partly by the employer or a prospective employer for tuition, registration or exam fees
NFEEMSUPG1 - The 1st NFE activity was paid fully or partly by the employer or a prospective employer for expenses of books or technical study means
NFEHOUSS1 - The 1st NFE activity was paid fully or partly by respondent or any member of the family for tuition, registration or exam fees
NFEHOUSG1 - The 1st NFE activity was paid fully or partly by respondent or any member of the family for expenses of books or technical study means
NFEINWESTS1 - Cost in EURO of the 1st NFE activity paid by respondent or any member of the family for tuition, registration or exam fees in the last 12 months
NFEINWESTG1 - Cost in EURO of the 1st NFE activity paid by respondent or any member of the family for books or technical study means in the last 12 months
NFELEN1 - Total number of instruction hours of the 1st NFE activity selected
NFEHOMWRK1 - Total number of hours spent on homework or self study linked to the 1st NFE activity apart from the normal instruction hours
NFETRAW1 - Total number of hours spent on travel linked to the 1st NFE activity apart from the normal instruction hours
NFECOM1 - Computer or Internet used for the 1st NFE activity selected
NFEPROV1 - Provider of the 1st NFE activity selected
NFEEVAL1 - Use of the skills or knowledge acquired from the 1st NFE activity
NFEPLACE1 - Country where the 1st NFE activity took place
NFERAN2 - Code of the 2nd NFE activity selected randomly
NFEFIELD2 - Field of the 2nd NFE activity selected randomly
NFEPURP2 - The main reasons for participating in the 2nd NFE selected randomly
NFERJOB2 - Reason of participation in the 2nd NFE activity selected: to do a job better or improve carrier prospects
NFERLOSJ2 - Reason of participation in the 2nd NFE activity selected: to be less likely to lose a job
NFERPROM2 - Reason of participation in the 2nd NFE activity selected: to increase possibilities of getting a job, or changing a job/profession
NFENBUIS2 - Reason of participation in the 2nd NFE activity selected: to start own business
NFEROBL2 - Reason of participation in the 2nd NFE activity selected: participation was obligatory
NFERSKIL2 - Reason of participation in the 2nd NFE activity selected: to get knowledge or skills useful in the everyday life
NFERSUB2 - Reason of participation in the 2nd NFE activity selected: to increase knowledge or skills on a subject that interests the respondent
NFERCER2 - Reason of participation in the 2nd NFE activity selected: to obtain certificate
NFERFUN2 - Reason of participation in the 2nd NFE activity selected: to meet new people or for fun
NFEROTH2 - Reason of participation in the 2nd NFE activity selected: other reason
NFEWRK_HR2 - The 2nd NFE activity selected took place during paid working hours (including paid leave and recuperation)
NFECER2 - The 2nd NFE activity selected leaded to a certificate required by law for the current or the planned activity on the labour market (as employer or employee)
NFEEMSUPS2 - The 2nd NFE activity was paid fully or partly by the employer or a prospective employer for tuition, registration or exam fees
NFEEMSUPG2 - The 2nd NFE activity was paid fully or partly by the employer or a prospective employer for expenses of books or technical study means
NFEHOUSS2 - The 2nd NFE activity was paid fully or partly by respondent or any member of the family for tuition, registration or exam fees
NFEHOUSG2 - The 2nd NFE activity was paid fully or partly by respondent or any member of the family for expenses of books or technical study means
NFEINWESTS2 - Cost in EURO of the 2nd NFE activity paid by respondent or any member of the family for tuition, registration or exam fees in the last 12 months
NFEINWESTG2 - Cost in EURO of the 2nd NFE activity paid by respondent or any member of the family for books or technical study means in the last 12 months
NFELEN2 - Total number of instruction hours of the 2nd NFE activity selected
NFEHOMWRK2 - Total number of hours spent on homework or self study linked to the 2nd NFE activity apart from the normal instruction hours
NFETRAW2 - Total number of hours spent on travel linked to the 2nd NFE activity apart from the normal instruction hours
NFECOM2 - Computer or Internet used for the 2nd NFE activity selected
NFEDIST2 - The 2nd NFE activity was mainly delivered through the distance learning
NFEPROV2 - Provider of the 2nd NFE activity selected
NFEEVAL2 - Use of the skills or knowledge acquired from the 2nd NFE activity
NFEPLACE2 - Country where the 2nd NFE activity took place
NFERAN3 - Code of the 3rd NFE activity selected randomly
NFEFIELD3 - Field of the 3rd NFE activity selected randomly
NFEPURP3 - The main reasons for participating in the 3rd NFE selected randomly
NFERJOB3 - Reason of participation in the 3rd NFE activity selected: to do a job better or improve carrier prospects
NFERLOSJ3 - Reason of participation in the 3rd NFE activity selected: to be less likely to lose a job
NFERPROM3 - Reason of participation in the 3rd NFE activity selected: to increase possibilities of getting a job, or changing a job/profession
NFENBUIS3 - Reason of participation in the 3rd NFE activity selected: to start own business
NFEROBL3 - Reason of participation in the 3rd NFE activity selected: participation was obligatory
NFERSKIL3 - Reason of participation in the 3rd NFE activity selected: to get knowledge or skills useful in the everyday life
NFERSUB3 - Reason of participation in the 3rd NFE activity selected: to increase knowledge or skills on a subject that interests the respondent
NFERCER3 - Reason of participation in the 3rd NFE activity selected: to obtain certificate
NFERFUN3 - Reason of participation in the 3rd NFE activity selected: to meet new people or for fun
NFEROTH3 - Reason of participation in the 3rd NFE activity selected: other reason
NFEWRK_HR3 - The 3rd NFE activity selected took place during paid working hours (including paid leave and recuperation)
NFECER3 - The 3rd NFE activity selected leaded to a certificate required by law for the current or the planned activity on the labour market (as employer or employee)
NFEEMSUPS3 - The 3rd NFE activity was paid fully or partly by the employer or a prospective employer for tuition, registration or exam fees
NFEEMSUPG3 - The 3rd NFE activity was paid fully or partly by the employer or a prospective employer for expenses of books or technical study means
NFEHOUSS3 - The 3rd NFE activity was paid fully or partly by respondent or any member of the family for tuition, registration or exam fees
NFEHOUSG3 - The 3rd NFE activity was paid fully or partly by respondent or any member of the family for expenses of books or technical study means
NFEINWESTS3 - Cost in EURO of the 3rd NFE activity paid by respondent or any member of the family for tuition, registration or exam fees in the last 12 months
NFEINWESTG3 - Cost in EURO of the 3rd NFE activity paid by respondent or any member of the family for books or technical study means in the last 12 months
NFELEN3 - Total number of instruction hours of the 3rd NFE activity selected
NFEHOMWRK3 - Total number of hours spent on homework or self study linked to the 3rd NFE activity apart from the normal instruction hours
NFETRAW3 - Total number of hours spent on travel linked to the 3rd NFE activity apart from the normal instruction hours
NFECOM3 - Computer or Internet used for the 3rd NFE activity selected
NFEDIST3 - The 3rd NFE activity was mainly delivered through the distance learning
NFEPROV3 - Provider of the 3rd NFE activity selected
NFEEVAL3 - Use of the skills or knowledge acquired from the 3rd NFE activity
NFEPLACE3 - Country where the 3rd NFE activity took place
WNTPAR - The respondent wanted to participate in education and training in the last 12 months
WNTPARMOR - The respondent wanted to participate still more in education and training during the last 12 months
NWNTJOBR - Reason why the respondent did not want to participate in education and training: did not need it for the job
NWNTPERS - Reason why the respondent did not want to participate in education and training: did not need it for personal (non job related) reasons
NWNTPERQ - Reason why the respondent did not want to participate in education and training: did not have the prerequisites
NWNTPRIC - Reason why the respondent did not want to participate in education and training: training was too expensive or the respondent could not afford it
NWNTNSUP - Reason why the respondent did not want to participate in education and training: lack of employer's support
NWNTWRSC - Reason why the respondent did not want to participate in education and training: training conflicted with the work schedule
NWNTNTIM - Reason why the respondent did not want to participate in education and training: did not have time because of family responsibilities
NWNTDIST - Reason why the respondent did not want to participate in education and training: there was no training offered at the reachable distance
NWNTSHOL - Reason why the respondent did not want to participate in education and training: the respondent was not confident with the idea of going back to something that is like school
NWNTAGER - Reason why the respondent did not want to participate in education and training: health or age of the respondent
NWNTOTHR - Reason why the respondent did not want to participate in education and training: other
NWNTMSTIMP - The most important reason why the respondent did not want to participate in education and training
WNTPERQ - Reason why the respondent did not participate or did not participate still more in education and training, though wanted to: did not have the prerequisites
WNTPRIC - Reason why the respondent did not participate or did not participate still more in education and training, though wanted to: training was too expensive or the respondent could not afford it
WNTSUPP - Reason why the respondent did not participate or did not participate still more in education and training, though wanted to: lack of employer's support
WNTWRSC - Reason why the respondent did not participate or did not participate still more in education and training, though wanted to: training conflicted with the work schedule
WNTNTIM - Reason why the respondent did not participate or did not participate still more in education and training, though wanted to: did not have time because of family responsibilities
WNTDIST - Reason why the respondent did not participate or did not participate still more in education and training, though wanted to: there was no training offered at the reachable distance
WNTSHOL - Reason why the respondent did not participate or did not participate still more in education and training, though wanted to: was not confident with the idea of going back to something that is like school
WNTAGER - Reason why the respondent did not participate or did not participate still more in education and training, though wanted to: health or age of the respondent
WNTOTHR - Reason why the respondent did not participate or did not participate still more in education and training, though wanted to: other
WNTMSTIMP - The most important reason why the respondent did not participate or did not participate still more in education and training, though wanted to
PARPRIC - Reason why the respondent did not want to participate still more in education and training: training was too expensive or cost was difficult to afford
PARNSUP - Reason why the respondent did not want to participate still more in education and training: lack of employer's support
PARITIM - Reason why the respondent did not want to participate still more in education and training: training was organised in the inconvenient time
PARDIST - Reason why the respondent did not want to participate still more in education and training: training took place at the distance hard to reach
PARSHOL - Reason why the respondent did not want to participate still more in education and training: respondent was not feeling happy with the idea of going back to something that was like school
PARFIND - Reason why the respondent did not want to participate still more in education and training: respondent experienced difficulties in finding what he/she wanted
PAROTHR - Reason why the respondent did not want to participate still more in education and training: other
PARMSTIMP - The most important reason why the respondent did not want to participate still more in education and training
SELFFAM - Informal learning at work or during free time in the last 12 months: by learning from a family member, friend or colleague
SELFPRINT - Informal learning at work or during free time in the last 12 months: by using printed material (books, professional magazines, etc.)
SELFCOM - Informal learning at work or during free time in the last 12 months: by using computers (online or offline)
SELFTV - Informal learning at work or during free time in the last 12 months: by television, radio or video
SELFMUSE - Informal learning at work or during free time in the last 12 months: by guided tours of museums, historical/natural/industrial sites
SELFLIBR - Informal learning at work or during free time in the last 12 months: by visiting learning centres (including libraries)
SELFFIEL1 - The 1st most important subject learned using informal learning methods
SELFFIEL2 - The 2nd most important subject learned using informal learning methods
SELFFIEL3 - The 3rd most important subject learned using informal learning methods
ACESLOK - Respondent was looking for any information concerning learning possibilities in the last 12 months
ACESFIND - Respondent found the information what looking for
SOURINT - Source of information concerning learning possibilities: Internet
SOURFAM - Source of information concerning learning possibilities: member of the family, neighbour or work colleague
SOUREMPL - Source of information concerning learning possibilities: employer
SOURGUID - Source of information concerning learning possibilities: career guidance provider (including employment service office)
SOURSCH - Source of information concerning learning possibilities: education or training institution (school, college, centre or university)
SOURTV - Source of information concerning learning possibilities: mass media (TV, radio, newspaper or poster)
SOURBOOK - Source of information concerning learning possibilities: books
SOUROTHER - Source of information concerning learning possibilities: other
COMUTER - Computer using
INTERNET - Internet using
ICTSKILLS - Capacity to use a computer
ICTLEVELS - ICT skills level
LANGUA1 - The 1st language which respondent can use
LANGUA2 - The 2nd language which respondent can use
LANGUA3 - The 3rd language which respondent can use
LANGUA4 - The 4th language which respondent can use
LANGUA5 - The 5th language which respondent can use
LANGUA6 - The 6th language which respondent can use
LANGUA7 - The 7th language which respondent can use
MOTHTONG1 - The 1st mother tongue
MOTHTONG2 - The 2nd mother tongue
FRLG1 - The 1st foreign language known the best excluding mother tongues
FRLG2 - The 2nd foreign language known the best excluding mother tongues
FRLGSKILL1 - Knowledge of the 1st foreign language known the best
FRLGSKILL2 - Knowledge of the 2nd foreign language known the best
FRLGFRQW1 - Frequency of using the 1st foreign language for work or for study
FRLGFRQL1 - Frequency of using the 1st foreign language for leisure or with the family and friends
FRLGFRQW2 - Frequency of using the 2nd foreign language work or for study
FRLGFRQL2 - Frequency of using the 2nd foreign language for leisure or with the family and friends
LIFEPER - Number of times going to live performances (plays, concerts, operas, ballet and dance performances)
CINEMA - Number of times going to the cinema
CULTSIT - Number of visits to cultural sites
SPORT - Number of times attending live sport events
SINGDAN - Taking part in a public performance involving singing, dancing, acting or music
PHOTO - Cultural activities like making photographs, movies or video tapes
PAINT - Cultural activities like making a painting, drawing, sculpture or printing (including computer graphics, designing web sites, etc.)
WRITING - Cultural activities like write prose, poems or short stories
BOOKHOME - Number of books having at home
READBOK - Reading a book during the last 12 months, as a leisure activity
READBOKNB - Number of books read on average
NEWSPAFQ - Reading newspapers
POLITIC - Participation in activities of political parties or trade unions
ASOCIAC - Participation in activities of professional associations
RELIGIUS - Participation in activities of churches or other religious organisations
RECREA - Participation in activities of recreational groups or organisations
CHARITY - Participation in activities of charitable organisations
OTHERORG - Participation in activities of other groups or organisations
VOLUNT - Participation in informal voluntary activities
ATTUNMPL - People who continue to learn as adults are more likely to avoid unemployment
ATTSKILLS - If you want to be successful at work you need to keep improving your knowledge and skills
ATTEMPLR - Employers should be responsible for the training of their employees
ATTINCLAS - The skills you need to do a job can't be learned in the classroom
ATTLIFE - Education and training can help you manage your daily life better
ATTFUN - Learning new things is fun
ATTSELFC - Learning gives you more self-confidence
ATTONEPAY - Individuals should be prepared to pay something for their adult learning
TYPE_CON - Permanency of the job
NFEDIST1 - The 1st NFE activity was mainly delivered through the distance learning