European Values Study

In Dialog with the EVS


If you have any questions on EVS data, data documentation, or data processing, please get in touch with GESIS EVS Service, department Survey Data Curation in Cologne: evsservice[at]gesis[dot]org

Contact persons are:
Dr. Markus Quandt, phone: +49 (0) 221-47694-400
Ivet Solanes Ros, phone: +49 (0) 221-47694-466


European Value Systems Study Group (EVSSG)

The European Value Systems Study Group (EVSSG), based at Tilburg University, can be reached using the following contact details:

European Values Study
Tilburg University
Department of Sociology
PO Box 90153
5000 LE Tilburg, The Netherlands

Phone +31 13 4662554
Fax +31 13 4663002
E-mail secretariat.evs(at)gmail(dot)com
