European Values Study

EVS Trend File 1981-2017

Latest news on this dataset

The EVS trend files are constructed from the five EVS waves and cover almost 40 years. In altogether 160 surveys more than 224.000 respondents from 49 countries/regions were interviewed.

Beware: The EVS trend files are based on the updated data of the EVS Longitudinal Data File 1981-2008 (v.3.1.0), the data of the current EVS 2017 integrated dataset, and the EVS/WVS Common Dictionary (v.2021) which follows the new concept to create easier-to-use files.

Documentation: as of 2022-12-14

For further information on data download, see Data Access

The new concept of the EVS and WVS trend files

Both organisations have agreed on a new concept to transfer the large EVS and WVS longitudinal data files, which contain almost all variables of the EVS and WVS waves respectively, into leaner and easier to handle files. The EVS data archive (GESIS) has been responsible for generating the EVS Trend File 1981-2017. The WVS archive (JDS Madrid) has been responsible for generating the WVS Trend File 1981-2022.

The two new EVS and WVS trend files are based on the Common EVS/WVS Dictionary (v.2021). It contains only those variables/questions that have been replicated by EVS and/or WVS since the early eighties. To identify the trend variables within EVS or WVS and across both projects, two inclusion requirements were agreed:

  • According to requirement 1, all variables that have been used at least twice in the EVS or twice in the WVS are included in the respective EVS or WVS trend file.
  • According to requirement 2, all variables that have been used at least once in EVS and once in WVS are included in the respective EVS or WVS trend file.

The Common EVS/WVS Dictionary - EVS Trend refers to the EVS Trend Files. It informs about the correspondence of EVS trend variables to EVS waves and WVS waves, displays the EVS variables included in the EVS Trend File, the EVS Trend File – Sensitive Data, the Joint EVS/WVS Data File and the Integrated Values Surveys (EVS/WVS). Additionally, it gives an overview of all variables used in the five EVS waves.

As a result, the EVS Trend File is based on the updated data of the five EVS waves and contains the variables that correspond to the two requirements mentioned.

  Trend 1981-2017 Wave 2017 Wave 2008 Wave 1999 Wave 1990 Wave 1981
Field work period 1981-2021 2017-2021 2008-2010 1999-2001 1989-1993 1981-1984
Surveys included 160 36 46 33 29 16
Countries/regions 49 36 47 33 29 16
Number of respondents 224.434 59.438 66.280 41.125 38.213 19.378
Variables in IDS - 474 477 513 390 370
Variables in Trend 635 329 364 358 380 246

Access to data

  • EVS Trend File 1981-2017 (ZA7503)
    The Scientific Use File contains de facto anonymized data provided for direct download through the GESIS data catalog.
  • EVS Trend File 1981-2017 – Sensitive Dataset (ZA7504)
    This data file contains data that could not be included in the Scientific Use File because of data protection concerns. Due to the sensitive nature of the data, its usage is subject to specific contractual regulations. The contract allowing for off-site access can be download here.

For further information on data download, see Data Access.

Suggested citation of the EVS Trend File

  • EVS (2022): EVS Trend File 1981-2017: Integrated Dataset (EVS 1981-2017). GESIS Data Archive, Cologne. ZA7503 Data file Version 3.0.0, doi:10.4232/1.14021.
  • EVS (2022): EVS Trend File 1981-2017 - Sensitive Dataset (EVS 1981-2017 RUF). GESIS Data Archive, Cologne. ZA7504. Data file Version 2.0.0, doi:10.4232/1.14022.

Errata & Version History

  • For information on Errata and Version History, please see the Study description of the EVS Trend File ZA7503, section ‚Errata in current version‘.
  • What is new in v3.0.0?
    • Data for Latvia (2021) is included
    • Errata corrections (see Version History)

Documentation related to the EVS Trend File 1981-2017

Documentation related to the EVS waves