Call for Item Submission: Perspectives on Europe

Call for Item Submission: Perspectives on Europe

The election of the 10th European Parliament, scheduled from June 6 to 9, 2024, comes at a crucial juncture in the history of the European Union. In the five years since the last election, Europe has faced numerous challenges, including the COVID-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine, and considerable economic difficulties. These events have not only tested the resilience of the European Union but have also reshaped the political and social landscape. As EU's most populous member state, Germany's perspective on Europe in 2024 is particularly significant. In this context, it is of special interest to examine the perspective of people in Germany on Europe in 2024.

What we offer

Are you looking for empirical survey data on Germany enabling you to answer research questions on perspectives on Europe? The GESIS Panel invites you to submit your items, which are going to be asked to our random sample in Germany (~5,000) in mid-2024 – and it is free of charge for you!

What is the GESIS Panel Population Sample?

The GESIS Panel Population Sample (GESIS Panel.pop) allows researchers to submit their items for cross-sectional or longitudinal data collection in a mixed-mode (online and mail) panel. The probabilistic sample consists of about 5,000 respondents who are interviewed every three months on various topics.

In combination with the GESIS Panel longitudinal core studies, which have been running almost annually since 2014, GESIS Panel submissions have generated a thematically diverse data set that contains items on topics that are prevalent in academia as well as on topics that have received little attention. When working with GESIS Panel data, you therefore have access to data from all 49 waves, containing variables of interest for sociology, psychology, political science, economics, and other disciplines.

You are invited to submit your items

With this call, we invite researchers to submit Short Submissions, limited to one minute of survey time per wave (however, you can suggest a longitudinal design with a one-minute slot in various waves). That means:

  • Five short single-choice questions OR 
  • Three multiple-choice questions with a maximum of seven items OR 
  • Two open-ended questions 

We look forward to receiving your Short Submissions, which might address (but are not limited to) the following topics:

  • Electoral participation and party choice in the European elections
  • Voting behavior of non-Germans with EU citizenship (or persons with dual EU citizenship)
  • Differences in voting behavior between European and German federal elections
  • Left- and right-wing political attitudes: Are there any differences between the national and European level?
  • Opinions towards globalization, centralization through the EU, and open borders
  • Nationalism & local patriotism
  • National / European sense of belonging
  • Awareness of political crisis
  • Non-voting, political indifference, disenchantment with politics
  • Stance towards democracy

Your Short Submission can refer to previously collected items in the GESIS Panel

Where appropriate, your Short Submission can relate to existing GESIS Panel questions. This might, for example, be questions from our longitudinal study “Social and Political Participation” and socio-demographic characteristics (see our Codebook (33 MB) for the English translation). Furthermore, you can aim for a replication of a (GESIS Panel) question or submit items developed and pretested on your own.

Are you interested in longitudinal analysis building on former election questions? Then, the GESIS Panel questions surveyed as part of the studiesce: Explaining the 2019 European Parliament Elections” and “dj: German Federal Election 2021” might be useful for your analysis.

The following questions will be included in the upcoming waves

The GESIS Panel is going to field questions about the European Elections 2024 in wave la (fielding time February to April 2024), wave lb (fielding time May to July 2024), and wave lc (fielding time August to October 2024). Depending on the time of the survey (before, during or after the European elections), these questions will deal with voting intentions or reported voting behavior and party choice. Moreover, wave la will include questions on participation in the European elections 2019.

These questions were developed based on the GESIS Panel party preference question for the federal election (“Sonntagsfrage”) to enable maximum comparability. Finally, the core study “Social and Political Participation” will also be fielded in wave la (fielding time February to April 2024), which enables comparisons of voting intention and party preference on a national and European level.


For this call, fielding slots are reserved in the waves “lb” and “lc”.

The submission deadlines are as follows:

  • February 18, 2024, for the wave fielded between May 22 and July 16, 2024 (wave “lb”)
  • April 28, 2024, for the wave fielded from August 21 and October 15, 2024 (wave “lc”)

You may include additional waves in proposals for a longitudinal study (please see our wave schedule).

How to submit

Please fill out our Short Submission Form. Submissions will undergo a timely internal review process.

We look forward to receiving your proposals via email: info(at)gesis-panel(dot)org. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Interested in fielding longer studies or in investigating other topics beyond this call?

You are free to submit proposals for questionnaire modules at any point throughout the year, irrespective of specific calls. Submissions are evaluated on a rolling basis.

Please have a look at the four GESIS Panel submission procedures. Regular Submissions allow for the submission of items that take up to 5 minutes of survey time. Additionally, you can propose experiments with up to 4 experimental groups. Short Submissions beyond this call are possible throughout the year; fielding period will be determined when the submission is accepted.  

Furthermore, GESIS Panel offers submissions for third-party funded studies and submissions for fielding in three countries within the frame of the Open Probability-Based Panel Alliance (OPPA).