International Social Survey Programme

In Dialog with the ISSP


If you have any questions on ISSP data, data documentation, or data processing, please contact GESIS ISSP Service, department Survey Data Curation (Team "International Studies") in Cologne.

Contact persons are:
Dr. Markus Quandt, phone: +49 (0) 221-47694-400
Dr. Insa Bechert, phone +49 (0) 221-47694-461
Petra Brien, phone +49 (0) 221-47694-427

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The German ISSP Survey

If you have any questions on the German ISSP, please contact GESIS, department Data and Research on Society and its staff.

Contact persons are:
Dr. Nora Müller, Tel.: +49 (0) 621-1246-277
Lynn-Malou Lutz, Tel.: +49 (0) 621-1246-317

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GESIS Addresses

Addresses of the GESIS offices in Cologne and Mannheim

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ISSP Secretariat

If you have any questions on the ISSP in general, please visit the ISSP website or contact the ISSP secretariat.

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