International Social Survey Programme

ISSP 1995 - "National Identity I" - ZA No. 2880

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The latest data set version (1998/13.04.2010): ZA2880 (v1.0.0), doi:10.4232/1.2880

Learn more

ISSP Research Group (1998). International Social Survey Programme: National Identity I - ISSP 1995. GESIS Data Archive, Cologne. ZA2880 Data file Version 1.0.0,

Participating Countries, Questionnaires and Specific Information

Participating countries

Sample size

Year of fieldwork


Australia 2438 1996   AU95
Austria 1007 1995 weights provided AT95
Bulgaria 1105 1995 weights provided BG95
Canada 1543 1995 weights provided CA95-en
Czech Republic 1111 1995 weights provided CZ95
Germany (West) 1282 1995 weighting for an all German representative sample (9.05 kB) (PDF) DE95
Germany (East) 612 1995 weighting for an all German representative sample, see above  DE95
Great Britain 1058 1995 weights provided GB95
Hungary 1000 1995 weights provided HU95
Ireland 994 1995   IE95
Italy 1094 1995 weights provided IT95
Japan 1256 1995   JP95
Latvia 1044 1995 weights provided LV95-lv
Netherlands 2089 1995/1996   NL95
New Zealand 1043 1996   NZ95
Norway 1527 1995   NO95
Philippines 1200 1995 weights provided PH95
Poland 1598 1995 weights provided PL95
Russia 1585 1996 weights provided RU95
Slovakia 1388 1996   SK95
Slovenia 1036 1994   SI95
Spain 1221 1995 weights provided ES95
Sweden 1296 1995 weights provided SE95
USA 1367 1996 weights provided US95