ISSP 1999 - "Social Inequality III" - ZA No. 3430

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The latest data set version (2002/13.04.2010): ZA3430 (v1.0.0), doi:10.4232/1.3430

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ISSP Research Group (2002). International Social Survey Programme: Social Inequality III - ISSP 1999. GESIS Data Archive, Cologne. ZA3430 Data file Version 1.0.0,

Note 1
Data of this ISSP module were prepared by our partners at JDS/ASEP in Spain.

Note 2
The data sets from Brazil and Switzerland are not included in the integrated file due to a decision of the Methodological Committee. Also not included are the data sets from Denmark and Ireland due to late fielding and late archiving. The data from the Netherlands are not included in the integrated file as they were initially rejected by the Methodological Committee and only accepted later. All data can be however downloaded as separate data files under the study numbers ZA3558 (Brazil), ZA3297 (Switzerland), ZA3562 (Denmark), ZA3613 (Ireland) and ZA3293 (Netherlands).

Edlund, Jonas, Insa Bechert and Markus Quandt, eds. 2017. Social Inequality in the Eyes of the Public. A Collection of Analyses Based on ISSP Data 1987-2009. GESIS Schriftenreihe 17. Cologne: GESIS.

Participating Countries, Questionnaires and Specific Information

Participating countries

Sample size

Year of fieldwork


Australia 1672 1999/2000   AU99
Austria 1016 2000 weights provided AT99
Brazil 2000 2001 not included in integrated file (see note) BR99
Bulgaria 1102 1999   BG99
Canada 974 1999/2000 weights provided CA99-en
Chile 1503 2000   CL99
Cyprus 1000 1999   CY99
Czech Republic 1834 1999   CZ99
Denmark 1823 2000/2001 not included in integrated file (see note) DK99
France 1889 1999 weights provided FR99
Germany (West) 921 2000 weighting for an all German representative sample (8.96 kB) (PDF) DE99
Germany (East) 511 2000 weighting for an all German representative sample, see above DE99
Great Britain 804 1999 weights provided GB99
Hungary 1208 1998 weights provided HU99
Ireland 960 2001 not included in integrated file (see note)  
Israel 1208 1999   IL99-he
Japan 1325 1999   JP99
Latvia 1100 1999   LV99-lv
Netherlands 1618 1999 not included in integrated file (see note) NL99
New Zealand 1108 1999   NZ99
Northern Ireland 830 1999/2000   NIRL99
Norway 268 1999   NO99
Philippines 1200 1999


weights provided PH99
Poland 1135 1999 weights provided PL99
Portugal 1144 1999 weights provided PT99
Russia 1705 1999 weights provided RU99
Slovakia 1082 2001   SK99
Slovenia 1006 1998   SI99
Spain 1211 1999 weights provided ES99
Sweden 1150 1999 weights provided SE99
Switzerland 1258 1999 not included in integrated file (see note) CH99
USA 1272 2000   US99