International Social Survey Programme

ISSP 1993 - "Environment" - ZA No. 2450

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The latest data set version (1995/ 13.04.2010): ZA2450 (v1.0.0), doi:10.4232/1.2450

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Related Materials

ISSP Research Group (1995). International Social Survey Programme: Environment I - ISSP 1993. GESIS Data Archive, Cologne. ZA2450 Data file Version 1.0.0,

The data sets from Austria and Switzerland are not included in the integrated file because they were archived too late. These data can be however downloaded as separate data files under the study numbers ZA2793 and ZA3024.

Audrone Telesiene and Matthias Gross, eds. 2016. Green European : Environmental Behaviour and Attitudes in Europe in a Historical and Cross-cultural Comparative Perspective. Abingdon, New York: Routledge.

Participating Countries, Questionnaires and Specific Information

Participating countries

Sample size

Year of fieldwork


Australia 1779 1993/1994   AU93
Austria 977 - not included in integrated file (see note)  
Bulgaria 1183 1994 weights provided BG93
Canada 1467 1993 weights provided CA93-en
Czech Republic 1005 1993   CZ93
Germany (West) 1014 1993   DE93
Germany (East) 1092 1993   DE93
Great Britain 1261 1993 weights provided GB93
Hungary 1167 1993 weights provided HU93
Ireland 957 1993   IE93
Israel 1198 1993   IL93
Italy 1000 1993 weights provided IT93
Japan 1305 1992   JP93
Netherlands 1852 1993/1994   NL93
New Zealand 1271 1993   NZ93
Northern Ireland 767 1993 weights provided GB93
Norway 1414 1993   NO93
Philippines 1200 1993 weights provided PH93
Poland 1641 1993 weights provided PL93
Russia 1931 1993 weights provided RU93
Slovenia 1032 1993   SI93
Spain 1208 1994 weights provided ES93
Switzerland 3019 1993/1994 not included in integrated file (see note)  
USA 1557 1993 weights provided US93