GESIS Lecture: Equality Governance via Policy Analysis?

Kategorien: Europa und Internationales; Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung; Geschlechterverhältnisse; Gleichstellungspolitik; Wissenschaft Aktuell; CEWS Aktuell

As part of the GESIS lecture series, CEWS organizes a colloquium with a lecture of PhD. Arn Sauer on

"Equality Governance via Policy Analysis"

at GESIS Cologne, conference room Ost on 28 January 2020 starting at 1.00 p.m.. The colloquium will be held in English.

Gender Impact Assessment in the European Union and Gender-based Analysis in Canada and Interlinkages to Instrument Design and Quality Management with Regards to the Gender Dimensions of Ex-ante Climate Assessments

Gender impact assessment has been both celebrated as a beacon of hope for the cause of gender equality and criticized as being ineffectual. More than 20 years of gender mainstreaming have demonstrated that equality governance with and through impact assessment is an intersectional and still evolving process. Arn Sauer's study examined the instruments of gendered policy analysis and the conditions under which they are being used by the Canadian federal government and the European Commission. Interviews with experts from public administration and instrument designers as well as document analyses reveal benefits and challenges and show that the success of equality governance depends upon whether knowledge about gendered policy and appropriate administrative practices are embedded, embodied and entrenched in public administration.

Arn Sauer will discuss suggestions of typology and quality management of ex-ante gender impact assessments instruments with regards to instrument design, from a departmental research funding perspective relating to a recent project on “Gender in Climate Protection and Adaptation” (2016-2019) funded by the German Environment Agency. In climate research and policy making, the gender dimensions of the project, programme or policy are rarely self-evident (neutrality assumption). Instruments face the challenge to guide as well as educate users, usually not familiar with gender theories and research. As a consequence, six gender dimensions were proposed for gender impact assessment in the realm of climate change/protection/adaptation. A discussion about the quality management, usability, instrument up-take and transferability will conclude the presentation.

PhD. Arn Sauer, received a PhD scholarship from the Heinrich Böll Foundation and completed his doctorate at the Centre for Transdisciplinary Gender Studies at the Humboldt University in Berlin on international instruments of gender impact assessment. He works as a research officer for gender mainstreaming at the Federal Environment Agency. Previously, he was a research associate at the Gender Competence Center of Humboldt University Berlin and a research associate at the Simone de Beauvoir Institute of Concordia University in Montreal. He also volunteered as spokesperson for the Heinrich Böll Foundation's Gender + Feminism working group and is a current member of the expert advisory board of the Magnus Hirschfeld Foundation.

The event starts at 1.00 p.m. in the Conference Room OST, the lecture - including discussion - ends at 2.00 p.m.

Scientific contact: Dr. Anke Lipinsky  anke.lipinsky(at)gesis(dot)org

Contact:  Andrea Usadel  andrea.usadel(at)gesis(dot)org

 We are looking forward to welcoming you at the event!