Angela McRobbie: Feminism, ‘Post-feminism’ and Neoliberalism: Figurations of Gender’s Normativity in Pop Culture

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Public online guest lecture at the Göttingen Diversity Research Institute

Prof. Angela McRobbie (Goldsmiths)

22nd December 2022 // 12:00 – 14:00 // Zoom

"Drawing on the conjunctural methodologies of the late Stuart Hall this lecture reflects on a number of figurations of normative femininity which have functioned as forms of popular governmentality predicated first on the instituting of a moment (1997-2007) of post-feminism, where feminist campaigning and activism were repudiated as belonging in the past, to more recent times, (2008-2018) with ‘feminism’ now seemingly tolerated and even granted a place within the consumer culture of contemporary capitalism. The lecture considers the power and impact of these various ‘figuration’s as they resonate across the popular culture and social media."

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