Kompetenz­zentrum Frauen in Wissenschaft und Forschung

Managing diversity: Bringing together theory, evidence and practice

Ort: online
.ics / iCalendar: Kalenderdatei herunterladen

The Centre for Research in Equality and Diversity, Queen Mary, University of London invites you to the following lunchtime webinar:   ‘Managing diversity: Bringing together theory, evidence and practice’,  June 9th 12-1pm via zoom  

Register here: https://qmul-ac-uk.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_pyuWmzAcQWKv4wB3KlvbVA 

"Organisations are claiming to be taking managing diversity more seriously and, at the same time, are collecting (and reporting on) growing quantities of data about their workers, but the connection between the two trends remains unclear. Does ‘datafication’ help or hinder managing diversity? And what is the role of theory in a world of ‘big data’ and ‘HR metrics’? How can we better bring together theory, evidence, and practice to make a meaningful difference?"