“Navigating the Changing Times of Gender, Sexuality, and Migration in Europe”

Ort: Berlin
.ics / iCalendar: Kalenderdatei herunterladen

"The mainstream conception of migration reinforces heteronormativity and silences the experiences of queer migrants, refugees, asylum-seekers, and undocumented people in Europe. The emerging scholarship on queer migration has shown the central role of gender and sexuality in migration politics and border control regimes. Researchers and activists have also revealed the ways in which gender justice and sexual rights discourse have been instrumentalized to advance anti-refugee and anti-migrant sentiments in Europe. This conference aims to bring together researchers, artists, and activists to discuss how queer and feminist interventions could inform the everyday life and representation of migration, displacement, and exile from an intersectional and comparative perspective.

The event is co-organized by Heinrich Böll Foundation and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. The event is partly funded by the research project titled “Transforming political representation from below: The role of (post)migrant civil society organizations in Germany.” This is a three-year research project supported by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ)."

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