Die Ringvorlesung „Research at Risk“ geht in die zweite Runde.
Die internationale und interdisziplinäre Reihe wird vom gleichnamigen Arbeitskreis aus Medien- und Theaterwissenschaftler:innen verschiedener Universitäten, organisiert und konzentriert sich in diesem Semester auf die Gefahr, die „Fossiler Autoritarismus und Klimakatastrophe“ für Forschung und Forscher:innen darstellen.
Thursdays, 12:15-13:45 via zoom (some exceptions due to time difference)
Research at Risk: Fossil Authoritarianism and Climate Catastrophe - preliminary program (lectures in English, CET)
11th of May, 12:15-13:45, Nana-Maria Grüning: From Publications to Public Actions - The Role of Scientists on a Planet in Crises
25th of May, 17:00–18:30, Cara Daggett: Petro-Masculinities
1st of June, 14:15–15:45, Ahmad Idrees Rahmani: Oil and Gas Politics in Afghanistan and the Effect on Male-Dominated Taliban Supremacy; followed by a Discussion with Soraya Sobhrang
8th of June, 14:15–15:45, Klasse Klima: Research on Creative Education in Crisis, hybrid Event
15th of June, 12:15–13:45, Leila Papoli-Yazdi: Oil, Oppression and Feminization of Poverty
22nd of June, 12:15-13:45, Tjan Zaotschnaja: War and Sanctions Leave Small-Numbered Indigenous Peoples Alone with the Problems Caused by Mining
29th of June, 12:15-13:45, Asia Bazdyrieva: Bodies as Lands: Resourcification as Method
6th of July, 12:15-13:45 Azadeh Ganjeh: UnEarth, Traces of Petroleum Tyranny in South-West of Iran
13th of July, tba.