Save the date: "On resistance and ignorance towards equality in higher education"

Ort: Universität Bern & Online
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Public Lecture by Inge Bleijenbergh & Marloes Van Engen (Radboud University, Netherlands)

The lecture will reflect on gender equality change in higher education from their theoretical background and their experiences as gender equality change agents. From a systemic perspective on organizational change, Inge Bleijenbergh and Marloes Van Engen identify inequality processes related to hiring, networking, the ideal worker and role models. They reflect upon resistances that emerged from interventions that address these inequalities and identify strategies they used to overcome or use these resistances to foster the change.

The event is organized by the Think Tank Gender & Diversity.
Contact: Sabine Kradolfer, sabine.kradolfer (at)

More information about registration coming soon.
Website of the Think Tank Gender & Diversity