Transnational Feminist Dialogues on Gender, Conflicts and Social Justice / Russia’s War on Ukraine from a Gender and Queer Perspective

Ort: online
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The Margherita von Brentano Center for Gender Studies at Freie Universität Berlin is organizing for this summer term 2023, the fourth edition of the Transnational Feminist Dialogues. The online series will be held in May, June and July under the title: "Transnational Feminist Dialogues on Gender, Conflicts and Social Justice":

"The current series focusses on the realities of (violent) conflicts, militarization and struggles for social justice, equality and peace that take place in different countries and regions from a gender perspective. For this new edition we have invited different experts to convene and collaborate in the conceptualization of the different sessions. Our first session is convened by Dr. Tomasz Kitlinski (Academy in Exile, Freie Universität Berlin)"

“Russia’s War on Ukraine from a Gender and Queer Perspective”

Thursday, 19.05.2022 (4 to 6 pm CEST)