Eurobarometer contacts and communication
Eurobarometer data service at GESIS
For requests concerning the access to Eurobarometer primary data and related documentation (e.g. questionnaires) for re-analysis in the context of social science research or training please contact the Eurobarometer Data Service at GESIS. We especially appreciate any feedback on:
- irregularities which might be discovered when using data and/or documentation
- research results and related publications of any kind based on Eurobarometer data
Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences Survey Data Curation (SDC) | |
Address | Unter Sachsenhausen 6-8 50667 Köln (Cologne) Germany |
Contact | Dr. Boris Heizmann and Serap Firat |
Phone | +49 (0)221 47694 486 |
Fax (central) | +49 (0)221 47694 199 |
eurobarometer-dataservice(at)gesis(dot)org |
Please do not hesitate to contact any of the the following institutions, whenever you might need additional information or clarification, always in accordance with to the institution's role and responsibility in the Eurobarometer context.
- European Commission - principal investigator issues (e.g. survey design and question programme, survey reporting, embargo provisions ...)
- Fieldwork institutes - survey implementation and coordination issues
- ICPSR ((Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research, USA) - archive data service issues, data processing and data documentation
- Other Social Science Data Archives - local archive support in other countries
- A relevant research community can be addressed through the Eurobarometer mailing list
European Commission - Eurobarometer unit
The European Commission, almost from the start in the 1970s, is kindly granting open access to Eurobarometer primary (micro) data through the Social Science Data Archives, summing up to a stock of about 800 cross-country studies in the GESIS data catalogue.
For information on principal investigator issues (e.g. survey design, question program ...) or requests regarding the official Eurobarometer reports or tabular volumes of aggregated results, please contact the European Commission, Directorate General Communication, COMM.A.3.: Media Monitoring and Eurobarometer.
Address | European Commission |
Contact | Oana Hriscu (Head of the COMM.A.3 unit) Roberto Santaniello(Head of the Eurobarometer sector) |
Phone | (32.2) 299.11.11 (Commission Switchboard) |
Fax | (32.2) 298.04.11 |
Eurobarometer(at)ec.europa(dot)eu | |
Homepage | |
Fieldwork implementation and coordination
The Eurobarometer surveys are currently implemented for the European Commission by:
| Standard & Special Eurobarometer (Eurobarometer 62.0 ff.) | Flash Eurobarometer (Flash Eurobarometer 331 ff.) |
Address | Verian Brussels | Ipsos |
Contact | Lavinia Deaconu
| Christine Tresignie |
Homepage |
Fieldwork History
Eurobarometer data service at ICPSR
Since the mid 1970s (0.93 MB) and until 1992 the Eurobarometer data processing and variable documentation on part of the social science data archives was handled by ICPSR. This applies to Standard and Special Eurobarometer up to wave 33. With the subsequent commencement of a cooperative agreement between ICPSR and GESIS (at that time GESIS-ZA, Zentralarchiv für Empirische Sozialforschung) responsibilties were shared. Since the mid-2000s, the data has been processed primarily at GESIS. Both archives are providing identical data sets, notwithstanding different archive study identification numbers.
At ICPSR member institutions Standard and Special Eurobarometer, Candidate Countries and Central & Eastern Eurobarometer are available online through ICPSR DIRECT. For more information on Eurobarometer data access at ICPSR member institutions you might contact your local official representative or ICPSR directly:
Postal Address | The University of Michigan |
Contact | Michael Shove |
Phone | (001) 734-647-2200 |
Fax | (001) 734-647-8700 |
Homepage |
Other Social Science Data Archives
If preferred, users may order Eurobarometer data via one of the CESSDA data archives in their respective home country, or might ask their staff for for local support. Members of the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research or researcher at member institutes have privileged access through the ICPSR data service (ICPSRDirect).
The following archives offer support for international access to Eurobarometer data:
ADA - Australian Data Archive | Australia | WWW |
ADP - Arhiv Druzboslovnih Podatkov | Slovenia | WWW |
AUSSDA - The Austrian Social Science Data Archive | Austria | WWW |
DANS - Data Archiving and Networked Services (formerly Steinmetz / NIWI) | Netherlands | WWW |
ESTA - Estonian Social Science Data Archive (formerly ESSDA) | Estonia | WWW |
FORS - Swiss Foundation for Research in Social Sciences - Data Services (until 2007 SIDOS) | Switzerland | WWW |
FSD - Finnish Social Science Data Archive | Finland | WWW |
ISSDA - Irish Social Science Data Archive | Ireland | WWW |
PROGEDO - Réseau Quetelet (formerly CDSP) | France | WWW |
Rigsarkivet - Danish National Archives | Denmark | WWW |
SIKT - Norwegian Agency for Shared Services in Education and Research (formerly NSD) | Norway | WWW |
SND - Swedish National Data Service (formerly SSD) | Sweden | WWW |
So.Da.Net - Social Data Network (formerly EKKE) | Greece | WWW |
SODHA - Belgian federal data archive for social sciences and the digital humanities (formerly BASS) | Belgium | WWW |
TARKI - The Tárki Data Archive | Hungary | WWW |
UK DATA SERVICE (formerly UK-DA) | UK | WWW |
Unidata - Bicocca Data Archive (formerly ADPSS-Sociodata Archive) | Italy | WWW |
Eurobarometer-Mailing list
GESIS provides a mailing list in order to provide a venue for researchers to interact with each other and to increase communication between the archives and the Eurobarometer user community.
The mailing list is not moderated and its value depends on the use made of it by the participants. In particular Eurobarometer related archive news are regularly circulated through the list, e.g. annoucements of new data releases.
You can easily subscribe, unsubscribe, or browse list archives through a web form:
Remember, any such message goes to everyone on the list! If you want to send a private message, simply use the normal e-mail procedures. If you want to respond individually to a message that has gone out to everyone on the list, you will need to manually change the return address so that it is directed to that individual.
If you have any general questions regarding this mailing list or the Eurobarometer data series, please contact:
- Dr. Boris Heizmann: eurobarometer-dataservice(at)