Against sexual harassment: Information and support for sexual discrimination and violence  

Leuphana University Lüneburg


Protection against sexual harassment

Students, Graduates/doctoral researchers, Postdoctoral researchers, (Junior) professors, Leadership positions, Committees, Research staff

No explicit subject

Leuphana University of Lüneburg has created a portal on its website called “Infoportal: Against sexual harassment”, designed by the university's Equal Opportunities Office. It provides information for people affected by sexual discrimination and violence and for their supporters. The portal has been available in two languages since April 2020 (German/English: “Sexual Harassment: Information and Support”). It features an accessible design and is also available to the general public.

Examples of content include an information video, an interactive exercise and self-assessment quizzes to test your knowledge and evaluation of certain situations. It also provides information on what actually constitutes sexual discrimination and violence, the possible actions available to those affected and how to support individuals facing this situation. Another key area is the compilation of resource lists for teaching staff and other managerial positions, including links to websites and documents at other institutions.

Equal Opportunities Office

Leuphana University Lüneburg