Family-Friendly Academia

The ideal image of academic work is closely linked to the idea of a researcher who is independent of their family and committed only to knowledge. For a long time, the Humboldtian ideal of "solitude and freedom" helped shape this idea and contributed to the exclusion of women from academia. However, this idea has changed, not least due to the commitment to gender equality policy and the opening of the academic system. Researchers no longer want to forego family, private life and children in favor of an academic career. Against this background, the question arises for higher education institutions as to how they can become more family-friendly in order to be attractive places to study and work for staff and students.

Which measures help to reconcile studying or academia with care work? Here you will find a structured range of information on the topic of family-friendly academia.

This page builds on the information pages of the CEWS-led projects "Effektiv!", "Connect" and "BAWIE", which were funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research in Germany.

Research Overview (coming soon)

Academia and family friendliness - actually a contradiction? Get an informative overview of the essential questions on the topic here.

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Tools And Ressources (coming soon)

Here you will find links to networks, gender equality policies and certificates.

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Survey Studies (coming soon)

Links to survey studies that address the issue of balancing parenthood and academia or studying.

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Legal Situation In Germany

What regulations do the higher education laws and the equality laws of Germany’s federal states (= “Bundesländer”) contain on balancing academia and parenthood? Answers can be found in our database on equality law.

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