Gender-Based And Sexualized Violence In Higher Education
Guidelines, Standard Procedures And Position Papers
With their guidelines, standard procedures and position papers, science institutions, ministries, associations and universities set out the measures and processes they have established for their own institutions or for specific universities in the country. The materials aim to help preventing gender-based and sexualized violence in higher education, protecting victimized persons, holding perpetrators accountable, and to deal with reported cases of harassment.
Dealing With Cases Of Gender-Based And Sexualized Violence In Higher Education
Below you will find a selection of guides and guidelines from universities outside Germany. The commission “Sexualized Discrimination and Violence” of the Federal Conference of Gender Equality Officers in Higher Education in Germany (bukof) provides comparable materials from German universities in a compilation of guidelines and service agreements on its website.
- Sciences Po (Ed.): Guidelines on dealing with sexual harassment
- SOAS University of London (Ed.) (2015): Guidance to prevent and respond to gender-based violence on campus
- Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Ed.) (2014): Guidelines for the prevention of sexual harassment, harassment on grounds of sex and psychological harassment
Guidelines And Position Papers From Associations And Political Institutions
- United Nations Women (2018): Guidance Note on Campus Violence Prevention and Response. Ending Violence Against Women Section UN Women. Edited by UN Women
- Council of Europe, Committee of Ministers (Ed.) (2019): Preventing and Combating Sexism. Recommendation CM/Rec(2019)1 adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, 27 March 2019
- The Irish Department of Education published the guide “Safe, Respectful, Supportive and Positive. Ending Sexual Violence and Harassment in Irish Higher Education Institutions” for all higher education institutions in Ireland.
- Universities Australia (Ed.) (2019): Guidelines – For university responses to sexual assault and sexual harassment
- “Universities UK” brings together the leaders of 136 universities in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The organization publishes data and articles on a variety of topics, including the recommendation to universities on how to deal with violence against women at universities.
- The Federal Conference of Gender Equality Officers in Higher Education in Germany (bukof) renewed its position in 2018 with the publication “Sexualisierte Diskriminierung und Gewalt an Hochschulen” and the accompanying policy paper “Sexualized Discrimination and Violence in Universities”.
- The Nordic Information on Gender (NIKK) information service of the Nordic Council of Ministers summarizes current guidelines and resources to reduce sexual harassment in the world of work from the Nordic countries in the 2019 brochure “Ending sexual harassment - a precondition for gender equality”.
- The expertise of the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency of 2015 presents the legal situation in federal and state law as well as in the autonomous law of the universities, provides insight into the practice at German universities and recommends measures to legislators and universities for the effective protection of students from sexual harassment.