Center of Excellence Women and Science

Activities, materials and progress in the EU project INSPIRE

Categories: Europa; CEWS Aktuell

In the past few months, the INSPIRE project team at CEWS worked on the following topics and made the following progress.


November/December 2023

  • Pilot study: In order to test the web scraping method for the Europe-wide monitoring of gender equality plans, CEWS is conducting a pilot study.
  • The sample comprises selected institutions in Germany, Greece, Estonia and Ireland.
  • CEWS explores how machine learning algorithms can be used to detect gender equality plans automatically to measure their prevalence.
  • Further steps will test how the gender equality plans can be analysed more profoundly using text analysis methods (characteristics, implementation and impact indicators).
  • Survey: CEWS is currently finalizing the questionnaire for the web survey.

October 2023

May/June 2023

  • CEWS conducted four online focus groups to develop the indicators for the web survey and web scraping. A total of 28 participants from the four European regions were involved.
  • CEWS identified four important indicators for a Europe-wide monitoring of gender equality plans: Prevalence, Characteristics, Implementation and Impact.


A review of the literature on the evaluation and monitoring of gender equality plans (GEP) at scientific institutions has been completed.

Löther, Andrea/ Karataş, Mazlum/ Weber, Lena (2023): D2.1f Literature Review Data Monitoring.

Further information:

Official website for INSPIRE

Project page on INSPIRE within the CEWS portal