Prof. Dr. Beatrice Rammstedt receives the award for her research in the field of psychological diagnostics as well as for establishing diagnostic procedures for recording psychological traits in other social science disciplines.
Professor Rammstedt's research in psychological diagnostics and, in particular, her developments of ultra-short-range instruments for measuring psychological traits has contributed significantly to the visibility and elicitation of these traits in disciplines outside of personality psychology.
Prof. Rammstedt has now been awarded the Alfred-Binet-Prize for this work, which has been carried out over the past two decades, at the specialist group conference "Differential Psychology, Personality Psychology and Psychological Diagnostics" in Salzburg.
The "Alfred-Binet-Preis zur Förderung der Qualität in der Psychodiagnostik" is donated by the company Hogrefe and comes with a prize money of 2,500 €. It is awarded to individuals or research teams who have made an outstanding contribution to the promotion of quality in psychodiagnostics.