Network Science

Network science aims to develop methods and tools for the collection, processing and analysis of relational data (e.g. from social media or sensor data) which can be modelled as a network. Network models facilitate to explain and predict the dynamics of social systems.

Our research on Network Science

  • Measuring face-to-face interactions via RFID sensors in various environments (e.g. academic conferences) and combining these data with survey data on behavior and personality traits
  • Networks of interactions between users of online platforms (such as Wikipedia, Reddit, Twitter), statistical modelling of patterns of online interactions (regarding information behavior, cooperation, conflict etc.)
  • Generative network models which aim to explain and predict the behavior of subpopulations, e.g. collaborations between female and male researchers
  • Cultural networks that link geographical regions through shared online preferences
  • Schoch, David, and Termeh Shafie. 2024. "The interplay of structural features and observed dissimilarities among centrality indices." Social Networks 78 (July 2024): 54-64. doi:
  • Mutschke, Peter. 2023. "Zentralitäts- und Prestigemaße." online first. In Handbuch Netzwerkforschung, edited by Christian Stegbauer, and Roger Häußling, Netzwerkforschung. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. doi:
  • Lietz, Haiko, Mathieu Génois, Johann Schaible, Maria Zens, and Marcos Oliveira. 2023. "Community formation at IC2S2 2017." International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC²S² 2023), Copenhagen, 2023-07-18.
  • Génois, Mathieu, Maria Zens, Marcos Oliveira, Clemens Lechner, Johann Schaible, and Markus Strohmaier. 2023. "Combining Sensors and Surveys to Study Social Interactions: A Case of Four Science Conferences." Personality Science 4 1-24. doi:
  • Lietz, Haiko. 2022. "Identifying endogenous time to slice longitudinal network data." XLII Sunbelt International Social Network Conference, Cairns, Australia, 2022-08-30.
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