Questionnaire - What do you measure?
We support you in optimally capturing the measurement instruments you require. To this end, we provide you with empirically proven survey instruments for subsequent use (ZIS). We are also happy to support you in the new development and quality testing of measurement instruments by offering you the opportunity to estimate the measurement quality of your items (SQP) and to check the comprehensibility and content validity of newly developed or adapted items for you (cognitive pretesting).
Sampling - Who are you interviewing?
We help you to represent your desired population in the best possible way. We draw telephone samples for you for mobile and landline networks, enabling you to obtain a representative picture of your target population. We also offer the drawing of complex samples, such as the drawing of municipalities for residents' registration office samples. Complex samples include both multi-stage selection procedures and sampling designs with unequal probabilities.
Collecting - How do you obtain data?
Wir unterstützen Sie, eigene qualitativ hochwertige Daten mit den beiden Stichproben des GESIS Panel zu erheben. Im Rahmen eines begutachteten Einreichungsverfahrens können Sie zum einen bevölkerungsrepräsentative Umfragedaten mit dem GESIS Panel.pop erheben. Zum anderen bieten wir Ihnen mit dem GESIS Panel.dbd eine einzigartige Gelegenheit, Umfragedaten und innovative Digitale Verhaltensdaten , wie Browserverläufe von Teilnehmenden, zu erfassen und miteinander zu verknüpfen. Erheben Sie selbst Digitale Verhaltensdaten mit GESIS Web Tracking (browserbasiert) und Umfrage- und Sensordaten mit GESIS AppKit, unserer Smartphone App für Android- und iOS-Betriebssysteme.
We support you in collecting your own high-quality data with the two GESIS Panel samples. As part of a peer-reviewed submission process, you can collect population-representative survey data with the GESIS Panel.pop. On the other hand, with the GESIS Panel.dbd, we offer you a unique opportunity to collect and link survey data and innovative digital behavioral data, such as participants' browsing histories. Collect digital behavioral data yourself with GESIS Web Tracking (browser-based) and survey and sensor data with GESIS AppKit, our smartphone app for Android and iOS operating systems.
Consulting & information
We are happy to pass on our knowledge. The basis of our expertise: our many years of experience with methodologically sophisticated survey programs, the collection of digital behavioural data and our own research projects. We are happy to consult you - individually and tailored to your needs. Our experts have the answers to your questions about your social science research project. In addition to our advice, our guides provide you with well-founded, application-oriented information on general social science research principles and the current state of research for self-study.
We consult you on the planning and collection of survey data and digital behavioral data.
GESIS Guides
Our guides provide structured information, methods and best practices for collecting survey data and digital behavioral data.