New FReDA data available & Data Portal online

Categories: GESIS-News

FReDA – The German Family Demography Panel Study has several pieces of news to announce:

The FReDA Data Portal is now online!

The freely accessible FReDA data portal invites researchers and anyone else interested in FReDA to discover data and content from the panel study and its findings.

Search: Find questions and variables relevant to your research and locate them in the web-based FReDA questionnaires and datasets.
Questionnaires: Search each web-based FReDA questionnaire individually and get a complete overview of question routing.
Variables: Explore all variables in the FReDA Scientific Use Files and get comprehensive information on valid/invalid cases, frequency distributions, and descriptive statistics.
Longitudinal Data: Track variables across waves and see how their distribution changes over time.
Links: See at a glance how different questions and variables in FReDA subwaves are related.
Bilingualism: Explore FReDA questions and variables in English or German.

First publication of partner data

FReDA – The German Family Demography Panel Study is a scientific longitudinal study dealing with the topic of relationships and family life in Germany. For this purpose, selected people (anchors) aged 18 to 49 and their partners are interviewed nationwide.

For the first time, data from more than 7,200 partners from wave 1 are now available free of charge for scientific analyses in the current FReDA release 3.0.

The questions asked of partners predominantly mirror those asked of anchor persons and cover a range of topics, from wishes for children to division of household labor. This opens up the possibility for dyadic analyses - looking at interactions between the two partners. By linking data from anchors and their partners, a more complete picture emerges, allowing for a better understanding of joint decision-making processes in couple relationships.

Further information on topics such as study design, question program, or data access can also be found on the FReDA website.

Latest pairfam survey published

The data of the relationship and family panel pairfam are now available to the professional public free of charge as a scientific use file for scientific analyses.

Pairfam is a multidisciplinary longitudinal study funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) to research partnership and family living arrangements in Germany. Since 2008, more than 12,000 randomly selected individuals nationwide, as well as their partners, parents, and children, have been surveyed for this purpose. 
The 14th wave published in Release 14.0 marks the end of pairfam, but former pairfam participants will continue to be surveyed in the future as part of the FReDA study.

The content focus is on the multifaceted processes of partnership development and formation, family formation and expansion, parenting behavior, child development, and intergenerational relationships. The question program also covers a variety of aspects from other areas of life.

The current release 14.0 includes:

  • the fully processed and anonymized data of all 14 survey waves in the formats Stata and SPSS (each as German and English language version),
  • the documentation with all codebooks (in German and English) and questionnaires as well as overviews of the instruments, the framework paper, the Data Manual and Scales Manual, the annual method reports and numerous other materials.