Newest HSR 42 (2017) 2 released

Categories: GESIS-News


Historical Social Research 42 (2017) 2
Forum I: Religious Denomination & Forum II: Spatial Dimensions.

The new edition is divided into two forums. The eight contributions of the first forum (edited by Rolf Gehrmann & Kevin McQuillan) are about "The Impact of Religious Denomination on Mentality and Behavior". They include overviews and special studies for five European countries, including one with a predominantly Muslim population. The forum is rounded off by a cultural history based on travel reports.

In the second forum (edited by Christoph Bernhardt), the topic "Spatial Dimensions of Governance in 20th Century Political Struggles" is presented in seven articles. On the basis of empirical cases from different times and countries, questions of governance in socialism, the role of citizen groups and NOGs such as Greenpeace in different political contexts, and the importance of knowledge formation in the re-scaling of political arenas in the EU are discussed.

To HSR 42 (2017) 2