The many faces of GESIS
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Journal article
Quoß, Franziska, Lukas Rudolph, and Thomas Däubler. 2024. "How does information affect vote choice in open-list PR systems? Evidence from a survey experiment mimicking real-world elections in Switzerland." Electoral Studies 91 (October 2024): 102837. doi:
Presberger, David, Franziska Quoß, Lukas Rudolph, and Thomas Bernauer. 2023. "Factual information on the environmental impacts of consumption abroad increases citizens' problem awareness, but not support for mitigating such impacts." Environmental Science & Policy 146 (August 2023): 101-112. doi:
Wicki, Michael, Gracia Brückmann, Franziska Quoß, and Thomas Bernauer. 2023. "What do we really know about the acceptance of battery electric vehicles? - Turns out, not much." Transport Reviews 43 (1): 62-87. doi:
Rudolph, Lukas, Franziska Quoß, Romain Buchs, and Thomas Bernauer. 2022. " Environmental Concern Leads to Trade Skepticism on the Political Left and Right." International Studies Quarterly 66 (5): sqac060.
Däubler, Thomas, Franziska Quoß, and Lukas Rudolph. 2021. "Do Citizens use Sociodemographic Characteristics as Cues to Infer Candidate Issue Positions?" Swiss Political Science Review 27 (4): 731-753.
Kunz, Tanja, Franziska Quoß, and Tobias Gummer. 2021. "Using placeholder text in narrative open-ended questions in web surveys." Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology 9 (5): 992-1012. doi:
Gummer, Tobias, Franziska Quoß, and Joss Roßmann. 2019. "Does increasing mobile device coverage reduce heterogeneity in completing web surveys on smartphones?" Social Science Computer Review 37 (3): 371-384. doi:
Quoß, Franziska. 2023. The Environmental Dimension: Attitude Formation and Voting in the Age of Anthropogenic Climate Change: Doctoral Thesis. doi:
Variable Report
Baumann, Horst, Franziska Quoß, Pascal Siegers, and Tim Wurster, ed. 2024. ALLBUS Kumulation 1980-2021 - Variable Report. GESIS Variable Reports 2024|03. Köln: GESIS.
Baumann, Horst, Franziska Quoß, Pascal Siegers, and Tim Wurster, ed. 2024. ALLBUScompact Kumulation 1980-2021 - Variable Report. GESIS Variable Reports 2024|04. Köln: GESIS.