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New blog post: Walke, Schick, and Riebe carry out a long-term analysis of political attitudes in Germany between 2009 and 2023

Categories: GESIS-News

Lian Walke, Lukas Schick, and Frauke Riebe: Im Wandel der Zeit: Eine Langzeitbetrachtung politischer Einstellungen in Deutschland (2009-2023)

The last two decades have been characterized by diverse crises such as the financial crisis, the coronavirus pandemic and climate change. These far-reaching events and the resulting public debates repeatedly raise the question of whether and how people’s political attitudes change over time. Following on from the crises of the last two decades, this blog post takes a closer look at three questions about the changing attitudes of the population: 1. How do people view the economic situation? 2. Does it make a difference who is in the federal government? 3. Is the fear of climate change growing?

DOI: 10.34879/gesisblog.2024.76