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Out now: easy (68): Digital Societ(ies): New Research Approaches to Digital Transformation

Categories: GESIS-News

The field of digitalization research is young and very dynamic. It encompasses the study of the conditions and effects of the social, political, economic, cultural, and technological changes that come with digitalization. In addition to numerous new research questions that need to be answered, digitalization challenges the organization of research and the handling of data. This is both an opportunity and a challenge for research. The current issue of easy_social_sciences addresses various aspects of digitalization research in four articles. Different perspectives are highlighted, from the conception of relevant research questions to the collection and processing of new types of data, to the communication of scientific results.

Please note: there is only one article in English in this issue. For the other contributions you will find English abstracts in the issue.

Einführung: Digitalisierungsforschung. Wie wir die digitale Transformation wissenschaftlich erfassen können
(Josephine B. Schmitt, Julian Kohne & Johannes Breuer)

Agile Science: Co-Creating Research on Digital Transformation 
(Samuel T. Simon & Josephine B. Schmitt)

Garbage in – Garbage out? Datenqualität im Umgang mit digitalen Verhaltensdaten 
(Leon Fröhling, Lukas Birkenmaier & Jessica Daikeler)

Die Verknüpfung von digitalen Verhaltensdaten und Umfragedaten 
(Julia Weiß & Sebastian Stier)

Wissenschaftskommunikation in unsicheren, digitalen Zeiten. Eine Interviewstudie mit Kommunikator*innen aus der Digitalisierungsforschung 
(Matthias Begenat)