
The many faces of GESIS


André Ernst studied sociology at the University of Cologne, with economics and social psychology as minor subjects. After his studies, he worked at the University of Cologne at the Institute of Criminology and the Institute of Sociology and Social Psychology, among others, as a research assistant in the DFG-funded projects "Violence and Suicide in Juvenile Detention" and "Friendship and Violence in Adolescence".

Currently, he is associated with the DFG-projects "Juvenile delinquency in urban school and residential contexts (JuCo)" and "Understanding Non-Compliance with Prevention Measures against COVID-19 Infections in Germany (U-COMPLY)". 



André Ernst is scientific coordinator of the GESIS Workshops


  • Analytical Sociology and Criminology
  • Action-Theories
  • Deviant Behavior, Crime
  • Network analysis
  • Context effects



Journal article

Ernst, André, and Maria Gerth. 2023. "Explaining cheating in schools with situational action theory: Within-estimations using a German school panel." European Journal of Criminology 20 (5): 1621–1640. doi:

Ernst, André. 2023. "„Und die Wissenschaft versucht den Mythos zu entzaubern“: Eine Buchbesprechung von Experimente contra Kriminalität : 14 wissenschaftliche Abenteuer von Karl F. Schumann." Kriminologie - Das Online Journal | Criminology - The Online Journal 5 (2): 155-159. doi:

Sattler, Sebastian, Shannon Taflinger, André Ernst, and Fabian Hasselhorn. 2022. "A Moderated Mediation Model Explaining the Relationship Between Risk-Group Membership, Threat Perception, Knowledge, and Adherence to COVID-19 Behavioral Measures." Frontiers in Public Health 10 19.05.2022. doi:

Kroneberg, Clemens, Sven Lenkewitz, André Ernst, Maike Meyer, and Kai Seidensticker. 2022. "Using police data to measure criminogenic exposure in residential and school contexts: experiences from a data linkage project in Germany." Police Practice and Research 23 (4): 473-488. doi:

Ernst, André, and Sven Lenkewitz. 2020. "Violence, street code internalization and the moderating effect of the status-violence norm in German schools." Kriminologie - Das Online-Journal | Criminology – The Online Journal 2 (1): 39-63. doi:

Bachmann, Mario, and André Ernst. 2015. "Disziplinarmaßnahmen im Jugendstrafvollzug - Ergebnisse einer Länderbefragung sowie eines längsschnittlichen Projektes zum Jugendstrafvollzug in Nordrhein-Westfalen und Thüringen." Monatsschrift für Kriminologie und Strafrechtsreform 98 (1): 1-15. doi:

Bögelein, Nicole, André Ernst, and Frank Neubacher. 2014. "Wie kann die Vermeidung von Ersatzfreiheitsstrafen gelingen? Zur Lebenssituation der Verurteilten und zur Zusammenarbeit staatlicher und nichtstaatlicher Organisationen." Bewährungshilfe, Soziales Strafrecht Kriminalpolitik 61 (3): 282-294.

Chapter in an edited book

Kroneberg, Clemens, André Ernst, and Maria Gerth. 2016. "Das Projekt „Freundschaft und Gewalt im Jugendalter“." In Krise-Kriminalität-Kriminologie, edited by Frank Neubacher, and Nicole Bögelein, 353-364. Mönchengladbach: Forum Verlag Godesberg.

Bachmann, Mario, and André Ernst. 2016. "Das schärfste Schwert des Jugendstrafvollzuges: verfassungswidrig? ." In Krise-Kriminalität-Kriminologie., edited by Frank Neubacher, and Nicole Bögelein, 353-364. Mönchengladbach: Forum Verlag Godesberg.

Ernst, André. 2015. "Gewalt im Jugendstrafvollzug." In Handbuch Jugendstrafvollzug, edited by Marcel Schweder, 437-451. Beltz Juventa.

Ernst, André, and Frank Neubacher. 2014. "Kontinuität oder Diskontinuität? – Was erklärt Gewaltverhalten im Jugendstrafvollzug?" In Risiken der Sicherheitsgesellschaft – Sicherheit, Risiko und Kriminalpolitik, edited by Marcel Alexander Niggli, and Lukas Marty, 170-182. Mönchengladbach: Forum Verlag Godesberg.


Ernst, André. 2022. The Action-Generating Mechanisms of Rule-Breaking : Overcoming Methodological Challenges in Empirical Tests of Situational Action Theory and the Code of the Street. GESIS-Schriftenreihe 29. Köln: GESIS - Leibniz institute for the Social Sciences. doi:

Bögelein, Nicole, André Ernst, and Frank Neubacher. 2014. Vermeidung von Ersatzfreiheitsstrafen - Evaluierung justizieller Haftvermeidungsprojekte in Nordrhein-Westfalen. Kölner Schriften zur Kriminologie und Kriminalpolitik. Band 17. Baden-Baden: Nomos.


Presentation at a conference

Ernst, André, Fabian Hasselhorn, and Sebastian Sattler. 2023. "Examining the Situational Model of Situational Action Theory While Considering the Selection of Kinds-of-People into Kinds-of-Settings." 4. Tagung des Netzwerks „Kriminologie in NRW“: Alles Krise? − Zustände, Umwege, Auswege der Kriminologie, 2023-03-30.

Ernst, André. 2022. "Does criminogenic exposure really matter? Examining the situational model in Situational Action Theory." Eurocrim , Malaga, 2022-09-21.



Ernst, André. 2019. "Action-theoretic perspectives on delinquent and criminal behavior." University of Cologne, Köln. Summer: 2 SWS.

Ernst, André. 2018. "Action-theoretic perspectives on delinquent and criminal behavior." University of Cologne, Köln. Winter: 2 SWS.

Ernst, André. 2018. "Jugendsoziologie." University of Cologne, Köln. Summer: 2 SWS.

Ernst, André. 2017. "Action-theoretic perspectives on delinquent and criminal behavior." Winter: 2 SWS.

Ernst, André. 2017. "Jugendsoziologie." University of Cologne, Köln. Summer: 2 SWS.