Förderung sozio-emotionaler Fähigkeiten Schulalter (FOSTER)
Conscientiousness is–along with cognitive ability–the most important prerequisite for success at school, at work, and beyond. Conscientiousness, as an umbrella term, bundles skills like self-control, achievement striving, perseverance, but also dutifulness and responsibility. Several studies empirically confirmed that conscientiousness outperforms most cognitive ability measures in prediction of school and vocational training success. But less is known, how such skills can be fruitfully trained in a targeted way.
In a systematic literature review, we will focus on and evaluate four main sections: (a) which specific facets of conscientiousness can be fostered (b) by means of which specific intervention approaches, (c) in which target groups (age, type of school, social background, etc.), and (d) with which success (effect sizes), durability, and sustainability.