Die vielen Gesichter von GESIS
Suleymanov, Ruslan, and Daniil Lebedev. 2024. "Using memes and emoji-scales in a web survey: experimental assessment of consequences for multimodal cognitive effort and data quality." International Journal of Social Research Methodology online first. doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/13645579.2024.2359474.
Hoļavins, Artūrs, and Daniil Lebedev. 2023. "Subjectivity of disempowerment: Evidence from parental attitudes towards inclusive education in post-soviet countries." Children and Youth Services Review 154 (November 2023): 107120. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2023.107120. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0190740923003158.
Lebedev, Daniil. 2022. "Using GPS-Paradata to Control the Data Collection Process: Review of Existing Methods and Analysis of GPS-Paradata Quality." Sociological Journal 28 (4): 8-33. doi: https://doi.org/10.19181/socjour.2022.28.4.9313.
Deviatko, Inna, Mikhail Bogdanov, and Daniil Lebedev. 2021. "Pupil diameter dynamics as an indicator of the respondent’s cognitive load: Methodological experiment comparing CASI and P&PSI." RUDN Journal of Sociology 21 (1): 36-49. doi: https://doi.org/10.22363/2313-2272-2021-21-1-36-49.
Lebedev, Daniil. 2020. "Paradata: definition, types, collection, and possible uses." Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes (2): 4-32. doi: https://doi.org/10.14515/monitoring.2020.2.915.
Lebedev, Daniil, and Mikhail Bogdanov. 2019. "Transition from PAPI to CAPI: interviewers’ experience and factors influencing their expectations." Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes (4): 43-67. doi: https://doi.org/10.14515/monitoring.2019.4.03.
Mavletova, Aigul, Mick P. Couper, and Daniil Lebedev. 2018. "Grid and item-by-item formats in PC and mobile web surveys." Social Science Computer Review 36 (6): 647-668. doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/0894439317735307.
Deviatko, Inna, and Daniil Lebedev. 2017. "Through the eyes of the interviewer, through the eyes of the respondent: outlining a new approach towards the assessment of cognitive load during the interview." Monitoring of Public Opinion : Economic and Social Changes (5): 1-19. doi: https://doi.org/10.14515/monitoring.2017.5.01.
Arbeits- und Diskussionspapier
Ghirelli, Niccolò, Peter Lynn, Carla Xena, Brita Dorer, M. L. Ambler, Hannah Schwarz, Tim Hanson, Joost Kappelhof, Paulette Flore, Georg Kessler, Daniil Lebedev, Roberto Briceno-Rosas, L-H. Frank, L-M. Rød, and O-P. Øvrebø. 2024. Quality Report for the European Social Survey, Round 10: Overall Face-to-face Fieldwork and Data Quality Report. ESS ERIC Core Scientific Team. https://www.europeansocialsurvey.org/sites/default/files/2024-09/ESS10_Quality_Report.pdf.
Lebedev, Daniil. 2024. "Distinguishing satisficing and optimising web survey respondents using paradata." General Online Research (GOR 24) conference, Cologne, Germany, 2024-02-23.
Lebedev, Daniil, Bella Struminskaya, and Peter Lugtig. 2024. "Exploring Revisiting Behaviour in Web Surveys: Insights from the Generations and Gender Survey in Estonia ." Second International User Conference of the German Family Demography Panel Study FReDA 2024 , GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Mannheim, 2024-10-07.
Lebedev, Daniil, Inna Deviatko, Aigul Klimova, and Tatiana Semenova. 2024. "Fully-labeled Scales Are More Cognitively Demanding: A Multimodal Cognitive Load Approach." 16th Conference of the European Sociological Association Tension, Trust and Transformation, Porto, Portugal, 2024-08-28.
Lebedev, Daniil, and Ruslan Suleymanov. 2024. "Memes and Emoji-Scales in Web Surveys: Experimental Investigation of Multimodal Cognitive Effort and Data Quality." 16th Conference of the European Sociological Association Tension, Trust and Transformation, Porto, Portugal, 2024-08-28.
Lebedev, Daniil, and Ruslan Suleymanov. 2024. "Memes and Emoji-Scales in Web Surveys: Experimental Investigation of Multimodal Cognitive Effort and Data Quality." 5th International European Social Survey (ESS) Conference - Addressing grand societal challenges cross-nationally: Investigation, innovation and insights from 20 years of data, 2024-07-08.
Lebedev, Daniil, Peter Lugtig, and Bella Struminskaya. 2024. "Who is going back and why? Using survey navigation paradata to differentiate between potential satisficers and optimizers in web surveys." General Online Research (GOR 24) conference, Cologne, Germany, 2024-02-23.