In 2023, the proportion of women on university councils and comparable bodies exceeded the 40% mark for the first time. In three federal states - Baden-Württemberg, Berlin and Bremen - the proportion of women on university councils is over 45%, while in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Saxony-Anhalt the proportion of women is below 30%. The data show a clear correlation between legal regulations on gender representation in committees and the proportion of women: In four federal states with unspecified information on the representation of women on committees, women are the least well represented on university councils.
The data report on the composition of university councils and similar bodies presents gender-specific data broken down by federal state, type of higher education institution and funding body as well as over time. The data compilation is published annually. The CEWS started this data collection in 2003; since 2016, the Federal Statistical Office has provided the data.
Bibliographic information:
Löther, Andrea (2024): Geschlechterspezifische Daten zur Besetzung von Hochschulräten und ähnlichen Gremien, 2023. Hg. v. GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften: Köln (CEWSpublik no. 31 | Datenreport).