Now available: HSR Special Issue Critique and Social Change

Categories: GESIS-News

HSR Special Issue Critique and Social Change: Historical, Cultural, and Institutional Perspectives (ed. Thomas Kern, Thomas Laux & Insa Pruisken)

How does critique change society? What are the conditions for critique to emerge? These questions are the core of recent socio-logical debates. This HSR Special Issue seeks to contribute to the sociology of critique by empirically studying the historical, cultural, and institutional conditions of critique and social change. For this purpose, critique is approached in two ways: as an outcome of social change, on the one hand, and as a cause or condition for social change, on the other hand. The contributions include a broad range of empirical case studies that examine the articulation of critique and its consequences from different perspectives. They deal with topical debates on organ donation, the justification of social inequality, neoliberalism, new public management and more.

HSR Forum Community Transformation in Asian Societies. Selected Case Studies (ed. Fumyia Onaka)

Communities in Asian societies are no longer hidden chambers of secrets, but wide and open halls heralding the future and the past of the changing world. This HSR Forum attempts to transmit this message by describing communities’ responses to labor migration, natural disaster, and non-elite movements.

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