The many faces of GESIS
Journal article
Bormann, Nils-Christian, and Lea Kaftan. 2024. "Introducing the Democratic Electoral Systems data, 1919-1945: [version 2; peer review: 2 approved, 1 approved with reservations]." Open Research Europe 4 (73): 1-9. doi:
Kaftan, Lea. 2024. "Lip Service to Liberal Democracy in Western Europe?" European Political Science Review 16 (4): 521 - 538. doi:
Kaftan, Lea. 2024. "Party Competition over Democracy: Democracy as an Electoral Issue in Germany." Politics and Governance 12 (8 October 2024): 1-17. doi:
Röth, Leonce, Daniel Felipe Saldivia Gonzatti, Lea Kaftan, and André Kaiser. 2024 (Forthcoming). "Studying multi-level systems with cross-level data: Introducing three integrated datasets." British Journal of Political Science.
Kaftan, Lea, and Theresa Gessler. 2024. "The Democracy I Like: Perceptions of Democracy and Opposition to Democratic Backsliding." Government and Opposition online first 1-24. doi:
Duell, Dominik, Lea Kaftan, Sven-Oliver Proksch, Jonathan Slapin, and Christopher Wratil. 2024. "The rhyme and reason of rebel support: exploring European voters' attitudes toward dissident MPs." Political Science Research and Methods 12 (2): 301-317. doi:
Duell, Dominik, Lea Kaftan, Sven-Oliver Proksch, Jonathan Slapin, and Christopher Wratil. 2023. "Communicating the Rift: Voter Perceptions of Intra-Party Dissent in Parliaments." The Journal of Politics 85 (1): 76-91. doi:
Gessler, Theresa, and Lea Kaftan. 2023. "Public debate and citizens' opposition to democratic backsliding." Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties online first. doi:
Mohamad-Klotzbach, Christoph, Susanne Pickel, Lucas Adler, Lea Kaftan, and Lisa Vogt. 2017. "Schwerpunkte und Trends der Vergleichenden Politikwissenschaft in Deutschland (2007-2017)." Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft 11 557–574. doi:
Volkens, Andrea, Cristina Ares, Lea Kaftan, and Radostina Bratanova. 2015. "Scope, Range, and Extent of Manifesto Project Data Usage: a New Research Tool for Manifesto Project Database's Users." RIPS. Revista de Investigaciones Políticas y Sociológicas 14 (2): 217-232.
Working and discussion paper
Röth, Leonce, Lea Kaftan, and Daniel Felipe Saldivia Gonzatti. 2024. Optimized Dictionaries: A Semi-Automated Workflow of Concept Identification in Text-Data. Social Science Open Access Repository. urn: urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-91666-3.
Presentation at a conference
Röth, Leonce, Daniel Felipe Saldivia Gonzatti, Lea Kaftan, and André Kaiser. 2023. "Electoral geographies, multi-level politics and ideology: New data sets to explore the role of ideology in multi-level politics." ECPR General Conference 2023, 2023-09-06.
Presentation not at a conference
Kaftan, Lea. 2024. "Demokratie von Köln bis Europa: Welche Rolle spielen Bürgerinnen und Bürger in der Demokratie? Wie können wir heute beeinflussen, was morgen politisch entschieden wird?" Wissenschaft in Kölner Häusern, AntoniterQuartier, Köln, 2024-10-01.
Kaftan, Lea. 2024. "EU-Integration zwischen Werte und Kriterien: Über Motivation, Willen und Chancen der (potentiellen) Beitrittskandidaten." Unser Europa der Zukunft, Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit, 2024-01-14.
Basu, Chitralekha, Jens Wäckerle, and Lea Kaftan. 2023. "How Voters Prioritize Identities for Descriptive Representation: A Pre-Analysis Plan." Research Colloquium, Cologne Center for Comparative Politics, University of Cologne, Köln, 2023-10-24.
Kaftan, Lea. 2023. "Party Competition over Democracy. Democracy as Electoral Issue in Germany." Comparative Politics & Political Economy Research Workshop, Universität Konstanz, Konstanz, 2023-11-20.
Schwalbach, Jan, Lea Kaftan, and Jens Wäckerle. 2024. "Introduction to Computational Text Analysis with R." GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Köln.