Historical Social Research

Journal Impact

The journal impact has become a significant criteria to define the value of of an academic journal. For example, in 2011, the European Science Foundation has admitted the HSR to the category of “international top-journal (INT1 Sub-Category).”

A selection of other important indicators you can find here:

Seit 2006 ist die HSR bei Ebsco im Bestand SocINDEX with Full Text eingebunden. Dort sind für Lizenznehmer alle HSR-Ausgaben ab dem Jahrgang 28 (2003) in Volltext verfügbar. Die Online-Ausgabe erscheint jeweils zeitgleich mit der Printausgabe, was in den letzten Jahren erheblich zur weltweiten Rezeption der HSR-Beiträge beigetragen hat.

Insgesamt gab es 16.928 Volltext-Downloads in 2023. Die Zugriffe – fast ausschließlich Universitäten, Bibliotheken und Forschungsinstitute – kamen aus 62 Ländern, 55% der User kommen aus den USA. 

Since August 2011, the HSR and HSR Supplement have been included in JSTOR (without Moving Wall). The most relevant statistics for 2023were the 220,359 full-text downloads, averaging 18,363 downloads per month in total. Users from 185 countries access HSR content via JSTOR.

Since 2006, the HSR has been represented in the Social Science Citation Index from Thompson Scientific / Clarivate. The development of citations in the SSCI is positive – the 100-mark was reached in 2011; as of 27.07.2023, there were 1096 citations from the Web of Science Core Collection, whereby the h-index reached 28.

Metrics 2006-2022 (27 July 2023)
Results found 1237
Sum of the times cited 7323

Sum of the times cited without self-citations

Citing articles 5729
Citing articles without self-citations 5368
Average citations per article 5.92
H-Index 28

By means of Google Scholar's citationsit is possible to discern a journal’s impact through the cumulated citations of all HSR articles over longue durée (the maximum number of papers included is 1000). Over a longer period of time, the HSR has an h-index of 69.

Google Scholar

  2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Papers 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
Citations 4011 8559 10184 13129 14045 16657 19541 22770 27219 34090
Cites/year 117.97 244.54 212.17 345.50 280.90 416.43 476.61 517.50 633.00 774.77
Cites/paper 4.01 8.56 10.18 13.14 14.07 16.66 19.54 22.79 27.22 34.16
h-index 24 38 37 42 43 48 50 57 59 69