Political Sciences
- Thomas Gehring & Johannes Marx: Group Actors. Why Social Science Should Care About Collective Agency.
- Margaret Gilbert: Real Team Reasoning.
- Maximilian Noichl & Johannes Marx: Simulation of Group Agency – From Collective Intentions to Proto-Collective Actors.
- Leyla Ade & Olivier Roy: Team Reasoning from an Evolutionary Perspective: Categorization and Fitness.
- Thomas Gehring: International Organizations as Group Actors. How Institutional Procedures Create Organizational Independence without Delegation to Institutional Agents.
- Matthias Hofferberth & Daniel Lambach: Claims and Recognition: A Relational Approach to Agency in World Politics.
- Nathalie Behnke, Jonas Bernhard &Till Jürgens: Understanding Collective Agency in the Long-Term Perspective: A Historical Comparative Case Study of Local Government Associations in Germany and the United States.
- Elena Frech & Ulrich Sieberer: Coordination Committees and Legislative Agenda-Setting Power in 31 European Parliaments.
- David Beck, Yen-Chieh Liao & Thomas Saalfeld: The Role of Rituals in Adversarial Parliaments: An Analysis of Expressions of Collegiality in the British House of Commons.
- Elisabeth Donat & Barbara Mataloni: Perception of Collective Agency and Networks of Relations: The Case of Regional Parliaments in Four EU Member States.
- Thomas Kestler: How Imagination Takes Power. The Motivational Foundations of Collective Action in Social Movement Mobilization.
- Frank Meier: The Agency of Scientific Disciplines.
- Maike Albertzart: Being Jointly Obligated: A Reductive Account.
- Moritz A. Schulz: So What’s My Part? Collective Duties, Individual Contributions, and Distributive Justice.
- Ayse Dursun, Verena Kettner & Birgit Sauer: Corona, Care, and Political Masculinity. Gender-Critical Perspectives on Governing the COVID-19 Pandemic in Austria.
- Maria Markantonatou: From Austerity to the Pandemic and Back Again? Lockdown Politics in Greece.
- Fabian Gülzau, Steffen Mau & Kristina Korte: Borders as Places of Control. Fixing, Shifting and Reinventing State Borders. An Introduction.
- Fabian Gülzau & Steffen Mau: Walls, Barriers, Checkpoints, Landmarks, and “No-Man’s-Land.” A Quantitative Typology of Border Control Infrastructure.
- Vladimir Kolosov & Maria Zotova: “De-Facto Borders” as a Mirror of Sovereignty. The Case of the Post-Soviet Non-Recognized States.
- Helmut Kuzmics, Dieter Reicher & Jason Hughes: State, Emotion, Authority, and National Habitus. State-Related Problems of Our Time and Methodological Discourses in Sociology and Historical Sociology.
- Behrouz Alikhani: Processes of the State and Habitus Formation in Iran in the 19th and early 20th Centuries: The Socio- and Psychogenesis of the Constitutional Revolution in 1906.
- Onur Kınlı & İrem Özgören Kınlı: Is Every Turk Born a Soldier? A Historical-Processual Analysis.
- Gad Yair: The Uncanny: How Cultural Trauma Trumps Reason in German Israeli Scientific Collaborations.
- Nicolas Demertzis & Hara Stratoudaki: Greek Nationalism as a Case of Political Religion: Rituals and Sentimentality.
- Miklós Hadas: The Culture of Distrust. On the Hungarian National Habitus.
- Marta Bucholc: Schengen and the Rosary: Catholic Religion and the Postcolonial Syndrome in Polish National Habitus.
- Lars Bo Kaspersen: The Creation of Modern Denmark – A Figurational Analysis.
- Dieter Reicher: Nationalistic German Gymnastic Movements and Modern Sports. Culture between Identity and Habitus.
- Steven Loyal & Stephen Quilley: State Formation, Habitus, and National Character: Elias, Bourdieu, Polanyi, and Gellner and the Case of Asylum Seekers in Ireland.
- Michael Dunning & Jason Hughes: Power, Habitus, and National Character: The Figurational Dynamics of Brexit.
- Akira Ohira: The Sociological Analysis of Ekiden, Japan’s Long-Distance Relay Road Race.
- Stephen Mennell: Power, Individualism, and Collective Self Perception in the USA.
- Guido Tiemann: “Kärnten” = Austria, “Koroška” = Yugoslavia? A Novel Perspective on the 1920 Carinthian Plebiscite. [Access the Published Dataset]
- Woo-Young Lee & Eun-Jeung Lee: The Issue of Mind Integration in the Unification of Divided Systems: A Case Study Focused on Germany and the Two Koreas.
- Young-Mi Kwon & Juhwa Park: Peace through Cooperation or Peace through Strength? How to Achieve Peace in the Very Intractable Conflict Society. [Online Appendix]
- Hayeon Lee & Woo-Young Lee: The Perception of the Integration of North and South Korea. [Online Appendix]
- Jin-Heon Jung & Eun-Jeung Lee: Division and Unification: Seen through the Eyes of Korean Migrants in Berlin.
- Hannes B. Mosler & Bong-Ki Lee: The Elephant in the Room: Problems and Potentials of the Workers’ Party of Korea in a Korean Unification Scenario.
- Chris Rojek: The Two Bodies of Achieved Celebrity.
- Simon Scheller: When Do Groups Get It Right? – On the Epistemic Performance of Voting and Deliberation.
- Johannes Schmitt & Simon T. Franzmann: A Polarizing Dynamic by Center Cabinets? The Mechanism of Limited Contestation.
- Bennett Holman, William J. Berger, Daniel J. Singer, Patrick Grim & Aaron Bramson: Diversity and Democracy: Agent-Based Modeling in Political Philosophy.
- Eric Linhart & Johannes Raabe: Measuring Party System Concentration Including the Cabinet Level.
- Inken Rommel: “We Are the People.” Refugee-’Crisis,’ and the Drag-Effects of Social Habitus in German Society.
- Stephen Vertigans: Death by ‘African’ Democracy. Killing Consequences of Western Power Prognosis.
- Behrouz Alikhani: Post-Democracy or Processes of De-Democratization? United States Case Study.
- Taro Hirai: Legitimacy or Legitimation? Intensive Analysis of Informal Decision-Making Processes of Disaster Response after 3.11 Earthquake.
- Everhard Holtmann, Eun-Jeung Lee & Christian Rademacher: Knowledge Transfer as Intercultural Translation in the German-Korean Context – Facing Possible Future Challenges within the Triangle of Unification, System Transformation and Societal Integration.
- Lars Vogel & Heinrich Best: Political Elites in Transition and Unification: German Lessons for the Korean Peninsula?
- Jörg Arnold: “The Death of Sympathy.” Coal Mining, Workplace Hazards, and the Politics of Risk in Britain, ca. 1970-1990.
- Gerhard Botz: Zeitgeschichte in einer politisierten Geschichtskultur: Historiographie zum 20. Jahrhundert in Österreich [1991].
- Gerhard Botz: Political Violence, its Forms and Strategies in the First Austrian Republic [1982].
- Gerhard Botz: Ungerechtigkeit, die Demonstranten, Zufall und die Polizei: Der 15. Juli 1927. Bildanalysen zu einem Wendepunkt in der Geschichte Österreichs [2008].
- Gerhard Botz: The Short- and Long-Term Effects of the Authoritarian Regime and of Nazism in Austria: The Burden of a ‘Second Dictatorship’ [2006].
- Gerhard Botz: Strukturwandlungen des österreichischen Nationalsozialismus (1904 bis 1945) [1981].
- Gerhard Botz: Nationalsozialismus in Wien. Machtübernahme, Herrschaftssicherung, Radikalisierung1938/39 [1978/2008].
- Gerhard Botz: The Jews of Vienna from the “Anschluss” to the Holocaust [1987].
- Gerhard Botz: Binnenstruktur, Alltagsverhalten und Überlebenschancen in Nazi-Konzentrationslagern [1996].
- Everhard Holtmann, Eun-Jeung Lee & Christian Rademacher: Knowledge Transfer as Intercultural Translation in the German-Korean Context – Facing Possible Future Challenges within the Triangle of Unification, System Transformation and Societal Integration.
- Bernd Martens: Some Results of the Economic Transformation in East Germany and their Possible Relevance for Korea.
- Thomas Ketzmerick: The Transformation of the East German Labour Market: From Short-Term Responses to Long-Term Consequences.
- Michael Fritsch & Michael Wyrwich: Entrepreneurship in the East German Transition Process: Lessons for the Korean Peninsula.
- Everhard Holtmann & Christian Rademacher: Decentralization of Power and of Decision-Making – An Institutional Driver for Systems Change to Democracy.
- Rainer K. Silbereisen: Psychological Challenges of Unification – Selected Results and Thoughts on Korea.
- Michael Hofmann & Bernd Martens: Generations and Social Structures in Socialist Countries: The German Democratic Republic and East Germany in Comparison with North Korea.
- Lars Vogel & Heinrich Best: Political Elites in Transition and Unification: German Lessons for the Korean Peninsula?
- Svenja Ahlhaus & Peter Niesen: What is Animal Politics? Outline of a New Research Agenda.
- Bernd Ladwig: Animal Rights – Politicised, but not Humanised. An Interest-Based Critique of Citizenship for Domesticated Animals.
- Thomas Saretzki: Taking Animals Seriously: Interpreting and Institutionalizing Human-Animal Relationships in Modern Democracies.
- Sandra Seubert: Politics of Inclusion. Which Conception of Citizenship for Animals?
- Johannes Marx & Christine Tiefensee: Of Animals, Robots and Men.
- Kay Schiller: Siegen für Deutschland? Patriotism, Nationalism and the German National Football Team, 1954-2014.
- Diethelm Blecking: Das “Wunder von Bern“ 1954 – Zur politischen Instrumentalisierung eines Mythos.
- Stephen Milder: Between Grassroots Activism and Transnational Aspirations: Anti-Nuclear Protest from the Rhine Valley to the Bundestag, 1974-1983.
- Michael L. Hughes: Civil Disobedience in Transnational Perspective: American and West German Anti-Nuclear-Power Protesters, 1975-1982.
- Astrid Mignon Kirchhof: Spanning the Globe: West-German Support for the Australian Anti-Nuclear Movement.
- Shigeru Tanaka: Nationalization, Modernization and Symbolic Media – Towards a Comparative Historical Sociology of the Nation-State.
- Cornel Zwierlein: Security Politics and Conspiracy Theories in the Emerging European State System (15th/16th c.).
- Susanne Keesman: The Communist Menace in Finsterwolde: Conspiring against Local Authorities? Case Study on the Dutch Battle against Communism, 1945-1951.
- Tobias Hof: The Moro Affair – Left-Wing Terrorism and Conspiracy in Italy in the Late 1970s.
- Jelle van Buuren: Holland’s Own Kennedy Affair. Conspiracy Theories on the Murder of Pim Fortuyn.
- Jürgen W. Falter. Wählerbewegungen zur NSDAP 1924-1933. Methodische Probleme – Empirisch abgesicherte Erkenntnisse – Offene Fragen. [1980]
- Jürgen W. Falter: „Anfälligkeit“ der Angestellten –„Immunität“ der Arbeiter? Mythen über die Wähler der NSDAP. [1990]
- Jürgen W. Falter, Andreas Link, Jan-Bernd Lohmöller, Johann de Rijke & Siegfried Schumann: Arbeitslosigkeit und Nationalsozialismus. Eine empirische Analyse des Beitrags der Massenerwerbslosigkeit zu den Wahlerfolgen der NSDAP 1932 und 1933. [1983]
- Jürgen W. Falter & Dirk Hänisch: Die Anfälligkeit von Arbeitern gegenüber der NSDAP bei den Reichstagswahlen 1928-1933. [1986]
- Jürgen W. Falter: The Social Bases of Political Cleavages in the Weimar Republic, 1919-1933. [1992]
- Jürgen W. Falter: The Two Hindenburg Elections of 1925 and 1932: A Total Reversal of Voter Coalitions. [1990]
- Jürgen W. Falter & Dirk Hänisch: Wahlerfolge und Wählerschaft der NSDAP in Österreich 1927-1932: Soziale Basis und parteipolitische Herkunft. [1988]
- Jürgen W. Falter: The Young Membership of the NSDAP between 1925 and 1933. A Demographic and Social Profile. [1996]
- Jürgen W. Falter: Die „Märzgefallenen“ von 1933. Neue Forschungs-ergebnisse zum sozialen Wandel innerhalb der NSDAP-Mitgliedschaft während der Machtergreifungsphase. [1998]
- Jürgen W. Falter: Kontinuität und Neubeginn. Die Bundestagswahl 1949 zwischen Weimar und Bonn. [1981]
- Jürgen W. Falter & Cornelia Weins: Die Wahlen in der Sowjetisch Besetzten Zone von 1946. Eine wahlhistorische Analyse. [1999]
- Gunnar Lind, Haase Svendsen, Gert Tinggaard Svendsen & Peter Graeff: Explaining the Emergence of Social Trust: Denmark and Germany.
- Konrad H. Jarausch: The Sources of German Student Unrest 1815-1848 [1974].
- Konrad H. Jarausch: The Failure of East German Antifascism: Some Ironies of History as Politics [1991]
- Konrad H. Jarausch: Realer Sozialismus als Fürsorgediktatur. Zur begrifflichen Einordnung der DDR [1998].
- Konrad H. Jarausch: Die Krise der nationalen Meistererzählungen. Ein Plädoyer für plurale, interdependente Narrative [2002].
- Konrad H. Jarausch: „Die Teile als Ganzes erkennen“. Zur Integration der beiden deutschen Nachkriegsgeschichten [2004].
- Konrad H. Jarausch: Zeitgeschichte zwischen Nation und Europa: Eine transnationale Herausforderung [2004].
- Ronald Gebauer: Cadres on the Diplomatic Stage. The Social Origins and Career Patterns of GDR’s Ambassadors.
- Sandra Meenzen: "Gutes Klassenbewusstsein, Parteiverbundenheit und Prinzipienfestigkeit": SED-Sekretäre mit NSDAP-Vergangenheit in Thüringen.
- Michael Bang Petersen & Svend-Erik Skaaning: Ultimate causes of state formation: the significance of biogeography, diffusion, and neolithic revolutions.
- Soumyanetra Munshi: Partisan competition and women's suffrage in the United States.
- Anke Hoffstadt & Richard Kühl: "Dead Man Walking": der "Fememörder" Paul Schulz und seine "Erschießung am 30. Juni 1934".
- Lorenz Graitl: "The dead do not lie": die Bedeutung des Todes im politisch motivierten Suizid im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert.
- Andrew D. Devenney: Regional resistance to European integration: the case of the Scottish National Party, 1961-1972.
- Heinrich Best: Strategien und Strukturen parlamentarischer Repräsentation einer antiparlamentarischen Partei: die Reichstagsfraktion der NSDAP 1928-1933.
- Heinrich Best: Unterschiedliche Wege - gleiches Ziel? Der langfristige Wandel parlamentarischer Repräsentation in Deutschland und Frankreich 1848-2003.
- Heinrich Best: Sozialismus in der DDR: ein Feldexperiment mit paradoxalem Ergebnis.
- Heinrich Best: Wenn Quantität in Qualität umschlägt: die Prosopographie der DDR-Funktionseliten als ein Beitrag zur Hermeneutik der realsozialistischen Lebenswelt.
- Heinrich Best: Nationale Verbundenheit und Entfremdung im zweistaatlichen Deutschland: theoretische Überlegungen und empirische Befunde.
- Heinrich Best: Politischer Regionalismus in Deutschland und Frankreich im intertemporal-interkulturellen Vergleich.
- Heinrich Best: Die Genese politischer Konfliktstrukturen: Modelle und Befunde zur Entstehung von Fraktionen und Parteien in West- und Mitteleuropa.
- Heinrich Best: Eine ökonomische Interpretation der Verfassung? Die Assemblée nationale constituante und die Frankfurter Nationalversammlung im Spannungsfeld sozialökonomischer Interessen.
- Heinrich Best: Geschichte und Lebensverlauf: theoretische Modelle und empirische Befunde zur Formierung politischer Generationen in Deutschland des 19. Jahrhunderts.