Social Policies
- Thomas Gehring & Johannes Marx: Group Actors. Why Social Science Should Care About Collective Agency.
- Thomas Kestler: How Imagination Takes Power. The Motivational Foundations of Collective Action in Social Movement Mobilization.
- Thomas Hoebel, Jo Reichertz & René Tuma: Visibilities of Violence. On Visual Violence Research and Current Methodological Challenges.
- Christian Meyer & Ulrich v. Wedelstaedt: Opening the Black Box: An Ethnomethodological Approach for the Video-Based Analysis of Violence.
- Susanne Nef & Friederike Lorenz-Sinai: Multilateral Generation of Violence: On the Theorization of Microscopic Analyses and Empirically Grounded Theories of Violence.
- Frithjof Nungesser: Studying the Invisible. Experiences of Extreme Violence as a Methodological Challenge.
- Wolff-Michael Roth: The Emergence and Unfolding of Violent Events: A Transactional Approach.
- Jo Reichertz: Escalation of Violence in Unclear Situations – A Methodological Proposal for Video Analysis.
- Ekkehard Coenen & René Tuma: Contextural and Contextual – Introducing a Heuristic of Third Parties in Sequences of Violence.
- Thomas Hoebel: Emplotments of Violence. On Narrative Explanations and their Audiovisual Data.
- Thomas Alkemeyer: The Embodied Subjectivities of Videography.
- Gesa Lindemann, Jonas Barth & Johanna Fröhlich: The Methodological Relevance of a Theory-of-Society Perspective for the Empirical Analysis of Violence.
- César Antonio Cisneros Puebla: Microsociology of Killing in Mexican Video Executions.
- Başak Akkan: Global Pandemic and the Veiled Crisis of Care in Turkey: Politics of Social Reproduction and Masculinist Restoration.
- Christa Wichterich: Protection and Protest by “Voluntary” Community Health Workers: COVID-19 Authoritarianism in India.
- Yee Lak Elliot Lee: Muslims as “Hui” in Late Imperial and Republican China. A Historical Reconsideration of Social Differentiation and Identity Construction.
- Ingo Bode: Let’s Count and Manage – and Forget the Rest. Understanding NumericRationalization in Human Service Provision.
- Ariane Ghirardello: Discrimination as a Convention: A Re-Assessment of the Impact of Social Intervention.
- Philippe Batifoulier, Nicolas Da Silva & Victor Duchesne: The Dynamics of Conventions: The Case of the French Social Security System.
- Csilla Rudas & János Török: Modeling the Wikipedia to Understand the Dynamics of Long Disputes and Biased Articles.
- Daniel M. Mayerhoffer: Raising Children to Be (In-)Tolerant. Influence of Church, Education, and Society on Adolescents’ Stance towards Queer People in Germany.
- Bert Baumgaertner: Models of Opinion Dynamics and Mill-Style Arguments for Opinion Diversity.
- Dominik Klein & Johannes Marx: Generalized Trust in the Mirror. An Agent-Based Model on the Dynamics of Trust.
- Michael Gavin: An Agent-Based Computational Approach to “The Adam Smith Problem.”
- Norman Gabriel: Growing Up in Society. A Historical Social Psychology of Childhood.
- Thomas Kern, Thomas Laux & Insa Pruisken: Critique and Social Change: An Introduction.
- Frank Adloff & Larissa Pfaller: Critique in statu nascendi? The Reluctance towards Organ Donation.
- Christine Schwarz: Going Underground: Merging Collaboration with Micro-Resistance.
- Patrick Sachweh: Criticizing Inequality? How Ideals of Equality Do – and Do Not – Contribute to the De-Legitimation of Inequality in Contemporary Germany.
- Rainer Diaz‐Bone: Discourses, Conventions, and Critique – Perspectives of the Institutionalist Approach of the Economics of Convention.
- Laura Centemeri: From Public Participation to Place-Based Resistance. Environmental Critique and Modes of Valuation in the Struggles against the Expansion of the Malpensa Airport.
- Sascha Münnich: Outside Powers: The Moral Economy of Anti-Financial Movements 1870-1930 and Today.
- Philip Wallmeier: Exit as Critique. Communes and Intentional Communities in the 1960s and Today.
- Isabel Kusche: The Accusation of Clientelism: On the Interplay between Social Science, Mass Media, and Politics in the Critique of Irish Democracy.
- Henrik Dosdall & Byron Z. Rom-Jensen: Letting Lehman Go: Critique, Social Change, and the Demise of Lehman Brothers.
- Insa Pruisken: Institutional Logics and Critique in German Academic Science: Studying the Merger of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.
- Thomas Kern & Thomas Laux: Revolution or Negotiated Regime Change? Structural Dynamics in the Process of Democratization. The Case of South Korea in the 1980s.
- Jay Rowell: Rescaling Disability: The Construction of a European Social Group and Policy Arena.
- Elise Kammerer: Uplift in Schools and the Church: Abolitionist Approaches to Free Black Education in Early National Philadelphia.
- Meike Haunschild: Freedom versus Security. Debates on Social Risks in Western Germany in the 1950s.
- Sarah Haßdenteufel: Covering Social Risks. Poverty Debate and Anti-Poverty Policy in France in the 1980s.
- Felix Krämer: Hazards of Being a Male Breadwinner: Deadbeat Dads in the United States of the 1980s.
- Rolf Parr: Nationalstereotype im internationalen Fußball.
- Noel Whiteside: Who were the Unemployed? Conventions, Classifications and Social Security Law in Britain (1911-1934).
- Franz Urban Pappi: Themenschwerpunkte einer Wissenschaftlerlaufbahn.
- Franz Urban Pappi: Cleavage [2010].
- Franz Urban Pappi: Parteiensystem und Sozialstruktur in der Bundesrepublik [1973].
- Franz Urban Pappi: Sozialstruktur, gesellschaftliche Wertorientierung und Wahlabsicht: Ergebnisse eines Zeitvergleichs des deutschen Elektorats 1953 und 1976 [1977].
- Franz Urban Pappi: Die konfessionell-religiöse Konfliktlinie in der deutschen Wählerschaft: Entstehung, Stabilität und Wandel [1985].
- Henning Salling Olesen: The Societal Nature of Subjectivity: An Interdisciplinary Methodological Challenge.
- Henning Salling Olesen & Kirsten Weber: Socialization, Language, and Scenic Understanding. Alfred Lorenzer's Contribution to a Psycho-Societal Methodology.
- Thomas Leithäuser: Psychoanalysis, Socialization and Society – The Psychoanalytical Thought and Interpretation of Alfred Lorenzer.
- Kirsten Weber: Learning, Work, and Language Games.
- Linda Lundgård Andersen: Inner and Outer Life at Work. The Roots and Horizon of Psychoanalytically Informed Work Life Research.
- Wendy Hollway & Lynn Froggett: Researching In-Between Subjective Experience and Reality.
- Liesbeth van der Heide: Cherry-Picked Intelligence. The Weapons of Mass Destruction Dispositive as a Legitimation for National Security in the Post 9/11 Age.
- Tobias A. Jopp: On the Historical Roots of the Modern Welfare State: The Knappschaft Statistics of 1861 to 1920 as a Source for Quantitative Historical Social Research.
- Wolfgang Gabbert: The longue durée of Colonial Violence in Latin America.
- Gunnar Lind, Haase Svendsen, Gert Tinggaard Svendsen & Peter Graeff: Explaining the Emergence of Social Trust: Denmark and Germany.
- Rainer Schützeichel: Verstehen in professionalen Interaktionen.
- Anne Reimat: Old Age Pensions, Demography and Economic Growth in the Long Run: The French Case Revisited.
- Jan Drahokoupil & Martin Myant: Varieties of capitalism, varieties of vulnerabilities: financial crisis and its impact on welfare states in Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States.
- Alvaro S. Pereira: Localized or generalized growth? Structural breaks and the two views of the industrial revolution.
- Antonio Tena Junguito: Tariff history lessons from the European periphery: protection intensity and the infant industry argument in Spain and Italy 1870-1930.
- Geoffrey Winthrop-Young: Fallacies and thresholds: notes on the early evolution of alternate history.
- Ekaterina Svetlova: "Do I see what the market does not see?" Counterfactual thinking in financial markets.
- Andreas Schmitz, Jan Skopek, Florian Schulz, Doreen Klein & Hans-Peter Blossfeld: Indicating mate preferences by mixing survey and process-generated data: the case of attitudes and behaviour in online mate search.
- Christoph Franke: Genealogies of noble families as a database for social science? Possibilities and limits.
- Rainer Metz: Geschichte der Preise in der Schweiz im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert.
- Wilhelm Heinz Schröder: Heinrich Best: Streiter für die Konvergenz von Geschichte und Soziologie: Reminiszenzen und Reflektionen zur Etablierung der Historischen Sozialforschung.
- Heinrich Best: Quantifizierende historische Sozialforschung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: ein Überblick.
- Heinrich Best: Historische Sozialforschung als Erweiterung der Soziologie: die Konvergenz historischer und sozialwissenschaftlicher Erkenntniskonzepte.
- Heinrich Best: Historische Sozialforschung und Soziologie: Reminiszenzen und Reflektionen zum zwanzigsten Jahrestag der Gründung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft QUANTUM.
- Heinrich Best: Parteiherrschaft und Kaderpolitik: ein kollektivbiographisches Portrait der Spitzenkader der SED in den Bezirken Erfurt, Gera und Suhl 1952-1989.
- Heinrich Best: Organisationsbedingungen und Kommunikationsstrukturen politischer Partizipation im frühindustriellen Deutschland.
- Antoine Parent: When economists 'tell histories': the truncated story of central banks' cooperation over the bimetallic period.
- Rainer Diaz-Bone: Gibt es eine qualitative Netzwerkanalyse?
- James Riordan: The impact of Communism on sport.
- Ingo Haar: "Sudetendeutsche" Bevölkerungsfragen zwischen Minderheitenkampf und Münchener Abkommen: zur Nationalisierung und Radikalisierung deutscher Wissenschaftsmilieus in der Tschechoslowakischen Republik 1919-1938.
- Hans-Christian Petersen: 'Ordnung schaffen' durch Bevölkerungsverschiebung: Peter-Heinz Seraphim oder der Zusammenhang zwischen 'Bevölkerungsfragen' und Social Engineering.
- Volker Barth: Review Essay: Claudia Bruns & Tilmann Walter (Hrsg.) (2004). Von Lust und Schmerz. Eine Historische Anthropologie der Sexualität.
- Valérie Canals, Claude Diebolt & Magali Jaoul: Cliometrics of higher education and convergence in France: 1964-2000.
- Sjaak van der Velden: Lockouts in the Netherlands: why statistics on labour disputes must discriminate between strikes and lockouts, and why new statistics need to be compiled.
- John Komlos & Marc Flandreau: Using ARIMA forecasts to explore the efficiency of the forward Reichsmark market: Austria-Hungary, 1876-1914.