Special Issue
- Karady, Victor: Elite formation in the other Europe (19th-20th century): editorial.
- Myhre, Jan Eivind: Academics as the ruling elite in 19th century Norway.
- Leppik, Lea: Social mobility and career patterns of Estonian intellectuals in the Russian empire.
- Reznik, Milos: Elitenwandel, tschechische Nationsbildung und der böhmische Adel.
- Pokludová, Andrea: Forming intelligentsia in Moravia and Silesia in the second half of the 19th and at the beginning of the 20th century.
- Dhondt, Pieter: Ambiguous loyalty to the Russian Tsar: the universities of Dorpat and Helsinki as nation building institutions.
- Nagy, Peter Tibor: The problem of the confessional recruitment of the students at the Faculties of the Humanities and Science of the Transylvanian University.
- Karady, Victor: Educated elites in pre-socialist Hungary - 1867-1948: issues, approaches, sources and some preliminary results of an overall survey.
- Disson, Julia: Privileged noble high schools and the formation of Russian national elites in the first part of the 19th century.
- Urbanitsch, Peter: The high civil service corps in the last period of the multi-ethnic empire between national and imperial loyalties.
- Hajdu, Tibor: Transformations of the officer corps in Hungary (1900-1940).
- Nastasa, Lucian: The education of Romanian university professors in Western universities.
- Nazarska, Georgeta: Bulgarian women medical doctors in the social modernization of the Bulgarian nation state (1878-1944).
- Charle, Christophe: Elite formation in late nineteenth century: France compared to Britain and Germany.
- Dronkers, Jaap: Declining homogamy of Austrian-German nobility in the 20th century?: a comparison with the Dutch nobility.
- Colonna, Fanny: Training the national elites in Colonial Algeria 1920-1954.
- Garcia, Afranio: Elite's recomposition and state-building in contemporary Brazil (1920-1964).
Mixed Issue