Special Issue
- Baur, Nina: Problems of linking theory and data in historical sociology and longitudinal research.
- Freund, Alexander: Oral history as process-generated data.
- Hagenah, Jörg; Meulemann, Heiner: The analytical potentials of survey trend data from market research: the case of German media analysis data.
- Jones, Constance J.; Peskin, Harvey: Americans' psychological health trajectories: analyses of survey data from the intergenerational studies.
- Schmitz, Andreas; Skopek, Jan; Schulz, Florian; Klein, Doreen; Blossfeld, Hans-Peter: Indicating mate preferences by mixing survey and process-generated data: the case of attitudes and behaviour in online mate search.
- Baumgarten, Britta; Grauel, Jonas: The theoretical potential of website and newspaper data for analysing political communication processes.
- Franke, Christoph: Genealogies of noble families as a database for social science? Possibilities and limits.
- Young, Janette Olivia: Triangulating public administrational and genealogical data: the case of Australian migration research.
- Mayer, Thomas: Wie kommt die Eugenik in die Eugenik? Sampling und Auswahlverfahren von prozess-produzierten Daten am Beispiel eugenischer Netzwerke in Österreich.
- Rass, Christoph: Sampling military personnel records: data quality and theoretical uses of organizational process generated data.
- Salheiser, Axel: Handling ideological bias and shifting validity of longitudinal data: the case of process-generated data on GDR elites.
- Bauernschmidt, Stefan: Der Einfluss von Gatekeepern auf das Stichprobenproblem am Beispiel von Automobilfernsehwerbung.
- Volkens, Andrea; Bara, Judith; Budge, Ian: Data quality in content analysis: the case of the comparative manifestos project.
- Ernst, Stefanie: Using qualitative content analysis of popular literature for uncovering long-term social processes: the case of gender relations in Germany.
- Kuzmics, Helmut: Concept for validating the theoretical potential of historical sources: the case of analyzing long-term changes in the Habsburg military habitus.
Mixed Issue